BORED || BenEarth

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This sunny afternoon are quite not like usuals, it's because Ben is going to work and Earth and Prim have nothing to do. Their little princess run towards Earth who are sitting on the sofa watching some movie.

" Papa Prim is bored, let's do something! " said Prim with pouting her lips, i mean you know it's been a while since Thailand lockdown the country due to the virus outbreak so Ben and Earth cannot bring Prim out like they always do.

Earth pulled prim to his lap and hold his little princess, with a soft voice Earth asking to his daughter.

" What do you want to do, princess? "

Prim shakes her head " Prim don't know papa but Prim is bored! can't we go out and go to daddy's office papa? " asked Prim.

" I'm so sorry baby, but you know it's dangerous out there for now we can't go out easily like usual "

Prim looked at Earth with disappointment " but daddy can go out? why we can't? "

Earth smiled as he stroke her daughter hair " listen princess, daddy can go out like that because he is doing his job. If i can i don't want daddy to go out and stay with us too but we can't do that let's just hope that your daddy is alraight and he can do his job at home okay? "

Prim understand what Earth said and she nodded her head " then what should we do papa? i'm so bored "

" Why don't you continue drawing your color book? you haven't finish it right? "

" i already finish it papa and now Prim doesn't know what to do " she pouting her lips while looking at Earth.

Earth keep silent for a while " how about we make some ice cream? we can make one for daddy too when he get home " suggest Earth, Prim nodded with exitment.

" LET'S GO MAKE SOME ICE CREAM! " Prim jump off from Earth's lap and run to the kitchen. Earth just shakes his head and yelled at Prim to be careful.

" Prim wait for papa, don't run if you don't want to fall! " yelled Earth as he walking join his daughter to the kitchen.


It's 4 pm already and this time Ben can go home little bit early because from now on Ben will be working at home due to the virus outbreak. After arrived at home he make sure to lock the car and walking inside his house.

Ben open the door and taking off his shoes, his eyes looking around the entire house looking for his husband and his daughter.

" Earth? Prim? daddy is home " said Ben, he heard some noises from the kitchen, that's must be them.

" DADDY! "

Prim yelled and she run towards Ben and hug him, Ben smile and pick his daughter up.

" Hello princess how's your day? are you being a good girl for papa? "

Prim nodded " I am! right papa? " said Prim looking at Earth who just finished cleaning their activity.

" Of course princess, you are a good girl. Anyway why don't you tell your dad what are you and papa do this afternoon. " said Earth smiling.

" What are you doing with papa princess? i bet it's something fun right? " said Ben as he walking to the sofa while holding his daughter up. He sit and place his daughter on the lap.

" Uhm ... Prim made an ice cream for you daddy! we made a lots of ice cream! do you want to try it? Prim and papa made some special ice cream for you! " Prim bubbling cutely, Ben laugh at his daughter.

" Sure thing baby, let me try it. It must be so delicious "

" Prim why don't you bring the ice cream here for your daddy? it's in the freezer "

" Okay papa! " Prim jump off from Ben's lap and she run to the kitchen, preparing the ice cream for her lovely daddy.

Earth take a sit next to Ben, he massages Ben's shoulder know that his husband must be tired after all this work.

" How's your work doing, Ben? when will you doing your job at home? i'm worried all day thinking of you working out there, it's dangerous the virus going bad. " said Earth, Ben can see in Earth's eyes that he is really worried about him. Ben stroke Earth's cheeks.

" Don't worry baby i'm fine also i will working from home tomorrow untill the virus going better. "

" Thank god, i don't have to worry you anymore! geez why don't your office doing this from the beginning. They gave me heart attack everyday by taking you to the office. " said Earth sulking pouting his lips, Ben chuckled.

" Hey hey don't blame my office baby, don't be like that unless you want me to kiss you " Earth immediately hit Ben chest.

" Remember that your child is around Ben! " said Earth with blushing hard.

" But i want a welcome kiss baby, i don't get any kiss today " said Ben, Earth rolled his eyes and leans some kisses at Ben lips quickly.

" There there "

" Thankyou baby " Ben pinch his husband cheeks, before Earth could hit Ben their daughter already come with bowl of ice cream in her hands.

" Jaa ... this is an ice cream for you daddy! it's me who made it! " said Prim happily, she hands the bowl to his father and taking a sit between Earth and Ben.

" Really? i thought it was papa who made it Prim? " teased Earth that made Prim pouting her lips, Earth chuckled.

" It's me papa! i made it special for daddy! " said Prim in annoyed.

" Whoever made this i will eat it, but i believe it's you princess who made it for daddy right? " said Ben, Prim nodded and made a funny face to her other papa. Earth just laughing looking at her daughter.

Ben take a spoon full of vanilla ice cream that Prim and Earth's made. Actually Ben doesn't like anything sweet but because it's his family who made it he will eat it anyway.

" Wow this is fantastic princess, you are so good at it! "

" Thank you daddy! it's papa who teaching me to make some ice cream, you have to thank papa too! "

Ben chuckled as he heard what his princess said, he leans towards Earth and kiss his lips as a thankyou for teaching his daughter to make some ice cream.


" BEN! "

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