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       It's been an hour since his daughter crying, she won't stop crying because she missed her dad. Well, Nine is not in the house right now he have a duty for being a busy doctor in a hospital. Joong is so overwhelmed, he don't know how to make his daughter stop crying. She seems really missed her dad because it's been 2 days since Nine left the house for work.

Joong kept patting the daughter's back to make her stop crying but it's not work at all, she kept screaming Nine's name.

" Stop crying angel, okay? you will be tired if you keep crying to much. We will see papa tomorrow, he will go home soon baby " said Joong while he kept holding his crying daughter, he walk as he pat the daughter's back.

" H-hiks ... Ploy missed papa so much baba, Ploy wants papa! " said Ploy who still crying, she wipes her tears in her eyes. She hug Joong's on the neck so tight. Joong feel sorry for his daughter, she rarely meet Nine nowdays because Nine have so much work.

" I know angel, baba knows that you missed your papa so much. Baba miss your papa too, but we have to understand that papa have to save people, Ploy will be so proud if you have a parents who save people right? " Joong tried to talk to Ploy, he hopes she will stop crying, Joong can't look at Ploy right now. Her face was so bright red because of crying for to long.

" U-uhm ... hiks ... Ploy wants to see papa! ploy wants to see papa! "

Joong have an idea, why don't he think about this earlier? he can just have a face time with Nine and Ploy can see Nine's face. Quickly Joong pulled out his phone from his pocket, he text Nine asking if he can face timing him because Ploy wants to see him. Not a long time for Nine to replies, he said he can face timing him because it's his break time. Joong immediately walking to his room with Ploy in his arm and take out the laptop, he called Nine.

" Sstt ... see Ploy we are going to see papa, you have to stop crying okay? you don't want make papa sad right? " surprisingly Ploy stop crying as she heard that she will see her papa.

As soon Joong called Nine, Nine answer the video call quicly. Now we can see Nine's smile on the screen, Joong know that his husband is tired but tried to put the best smile for his daughter.

" Hi my little pumpkin, what's wrong? i heard from baba that you are crying, is that right pumpkin? " said Nine with a beautiful smile behind his tiredness, he feels so much better after saw his daughter and his handsome husband.

" Hiks ... ploy miss papa so much, when will papa go home? Ploy and baba miss you " said Ploy quietly, she still crying but much better than before.

" She has been cried since 2 hours ago P'Nine, she won't stop calling your name " said Joong, he stroke his daughter hair.

Nine felt bad, he have to take a holiday for a week. It's been a busy week for him untill he rarely meet his daughter and husband.

" I'm so sorry pumpkin, papa will go home tomorrow okay? you have to stop crying, your beautiful face are covered up with tears and papa don't like it " Ploy quickly wipes all her tears with Joong's shirt.

" if Ploy stop crying, will papa go home for baba and Ploy? " asked Ploy with bright red face, she still put his hand around Joong's neck.

Nine nodded as the answer " of course pumpkin, but you have to say sorry to your baba first. You made him overwhelmed because you won't stop crying. "

Ploy look at joong, she gave Joong sad eyes " baba ... Ploy is sorry, is Ploy a bad girl baba? Ploy made baba overwhelmed "

Joong smile and kiss his daughter cheek " It's okay angel, you are not a bad girl. But next time you can't do this again okay? you are a strong girl and strong girl are never cry. Promise baba if you miss your papa you can just tell baba and not crying again. "

Ploy nodded " Okay baba, Ploy promise won't be a crybaby! "

" So give baba some kisses on the cheeks " said  Joong as he pointed his cheeks. Ploy leans and kiss his father cheeks, she smile cutely.

Nine's heart melted seeing his two beloved person being a wonderful father and daughter, he felt really proud having Joong in his life. Before have Ploy Joong was so immature but after they adopt Ploy he change so much, he said he want to be the best father for Ploy and also the best husband for Nine.

" Don't you want to give papa some kisses too pumpkin? "

Ploy come near to the laptop, she hold the laptop as she leans her face and kiss the screen after that she gave Nine her best smile. " There papa! Ploy already kiss papa too! "

Joong chuckled " P'Nine you have to go home really soon, you are tired already. You look like a zombie right now, how long have you not be able to sleep? " said Joong

" I'm doing surgery for 10 hours Joong but don't worry i think i will have a week off so i can spent some times with you and Ploy. I'm so sorry that i bother you with all of this Joong. "

" Don't worry P'Nine do what you do and i will always by your side, when we are in university you are the one who always got annoyed and bothered by me so i want to help you this time and also remember my promise that i will be a good husband and father for both of you. " said Joong truthfully, Nine smiled and there is some tears in the corner of his eyes, Nine can't believe how mature Joong was right now.

" I love you Joong i really do "

" I love you too P'Nine so does Ploy, Ploy say i love you to papa. Papa have to go back to work so he can get a day off tomorrow " said Joong to Ploy.

Ploy wave her hands towards Nine and gave him a lots of flying kiss " Bye bye papa, promise you will back at home tomorrow Ploy loves papa so much! "

" Bye bye little pumpkin, remember you have to behave to your baba okay? don't make your baba overwhelmed again, na? "

after a long conversation Joong decided to ended the call because he doesn't want to bother his P'Nine " So Ploy, what do you want to do now? do you want to playing with baba? "

Ploy nodded with exitment " Uhm! let's play baba, can we play puzzles? i have a puzzle that hasn't finish yet "

" Sure thing baby, let's play some puzzles "

And then Joong and Ploy walking to the play room, Joong feel glad that his daughter finally stop crying also he can finally see his husband face.

Joong miss him so much.

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