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Brasier's House

Earth walking to their daughter's room, he open the door slowly trying not to make a loud noises. There he saw his beautiful mixed daughter still sleeping on her bed, Earth approaching his daughter and sit on the bed. He smile as he stroke his daughter hair trying to wake her up.

" Prim, wake up it's time to school " said Earth softly, with in one second Prim opened her eyes and she saw her wonderful father sit next to her.

" Papa good morning, Prim is still sleepy " said Prim, she rubbed her eyes. She leans her body towards Earth, hugging him tightly and burried her face in Earth's stomach.

" I know but it's your first day at school baby, don't you feel exited to meet your new friends? also papa and daddy will be there accompany you to your new school "

" But ... Prim is scared, what if none wants to be my friends? " said Prim looking at Earth.

" What's going on here? why don't you take a shower yet Prim? "

Before Earth could answer Prim question Ben entered the room, he sit on the other side of the bed.

" Prim is scared that she won't get any friends Ben, it's impossible right? everyone must be want to be her friends " said Earth to Ben, Ben chuckled.

" Of course everyone wants to be your friends princess, why would you think like that hm? " Ben said, he pinch his daughter cheek.

Prim looking at Ben with sad eyes, she just scared because it's her first day of school. " But daddy ... "

" There is no but princess, my princess isn't a scrady cat right? also don't worry about friends i will introduce you to my friends daughter and son they are the same age as you, you will get along with them they are kind "

Earth looking at Ben with confused " you mean Pavel and Dome's child Ben? Ohm and Gift? i don't know that both of them are the same age with Prim i though they are younger than her "

Ben shake his head " No, they are the same age with Prim so i think they will be a close friend. Now go take a shower princess papa will help you prepare and daddy will be waiting for you downstairs okay? "

Prim nodded and get off from the bed, he pulled Earth's hand and drag him to the bathroom. Ben just smile looking at both of them as he get out from the room and waiting at downstairs.

Promphaopun's House

" Pavel "

" Pavel wake up "

" Mr.Naret wake up! "

" Pavel don't make me mad, it's your child first day at school! they will be late, wake the fucking up! "

Dome shaking his husband body harder, but still no respone from him. Dome let out a sigh, he just let her husband sleep for a bit and get off from the bed and walking to ther son and daughter's room. Dome opened the door and saw his son and daughter already up and getting ready for school, he was relieved that their kids are independent, Dome smile and walking closer to both of his kids.

" Look here my prince and princess are ready to go to school huh? are you guys exited to meet your new friends? " asked Dome, Ohm and Gift answer with exitment.

" Of course we are pho! " said Ohm and Gift together.

" Pho, Gift wants to give my new friends some candy that dad bought last night, Gift wants my friends happy so Gift will give them a Gift! " said Gift cheerfully.

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