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I woke up it was six in the morning my room was dark. I had gotten used to a dark room. I cleaned up my huge room and got ready to go to school. I opened my door and light penetrated inside.
I wore a white frock and black boots. Made a high pony and walked outside after a little while I reached the dining hall like every one of the two hundred rooms in the house it was humongous. Five chandeliers hung from the wall a huge glass dining table stood in the middle of the room.
On it sat the person I had come to love the most infact the only person I loved. It was my twin sister updating her Instagram she was an hour younger then me. Our parents you ask?well... you'll come to know soon.
The dining table had the crockery already set and so I took a seat. "So what has been going on at school Linda?"I asked. I already knew the answer. I mean what could go so wrong for a billionaire? The most prettiest and popular girl in school. Who made all the boys have an erection first thing in the morning.

Okay time for some introduction. Me and my twin sister live in this palace. My sister is hell popular and a total brat. She is intelligent and is pretty with white waist length hair. She has a slight tan, slim figure and an awesome fashion sense unlike me. She has crimson eyes. Her name is Linda Entourage (en_to_raj).She owns a multinational enterprise who sells clothes.

Me?well I am Violet Entourage. I am a fifteen year old girl,who owns a fucking multinational enterprise which sells boots. I have black shoulder length hair with brownish coloured eyes because if you look closely you see a yellowish tint on the bottom my eyes are outlined with black. I have a slight tan too both of us have respectable heights unlike my sister I am what you call slightly chubby. The rest that you need to know about us will be given to you when you are old enough to digest it. Our parents you ask? Well there location is still unknown.

I asked the maid to serve the breakfast. I had an Asian breakfast because I prefer the Eastern culture more then the western. I had omelette honey and paratha (a flat thick piece of unleavened bread fried on a griddle thought to be first found in the subcontinent). My sister had potato salad I finished my breakfast all she did with her meal was click pictures of it, I mean what a waste of food so I took it for lunch. She took money for lunch.

We sat in our black Mercedes and drove to school. Even though we were rich we went to ordinary schools. We lived in America so there were no nobles but if we lived in Britain we would have surely be made nobles yes we were that freaking rich.

We got down and I was drowned in the sea of my sister's fans. I made my way to homeroom and sat there. I had chosen to be a loner because I didn't like facades and yapping of feminine adolescents. I started writing my story. I was an author with an alias because I didn't like people surrounding me all the time. After a while a boy came and sat two seats in front of me he was new he had orange blonde coloured hair a slim figure. After a while the class started filling up and homeroom was soon over that boy introduced himself. "Hi my name is Lyan (lee_yan).I will be joining you from today" he had blue eyes.

Then I heard a whisper from beside me "Hey it's the boy there were rumours about right?that he was that extremely brainy person who is studying just for the sake of it. And that he is so qualified that he can work but he preferred completing his education first?".

After homeroom we went towards our classes I was walking with my sister who was on cloud nine because she was going to show that newbie around and she was yapping about how handsome he was.
        First period was maths. I must have done something horrible to deserve her she always picked me when I had no clue like abrabid stray dog who can smell fear.
         Soon God decided to have mercy on our souls by giving us recess the only good time in every students day at school. I sat on my usual place and started eating the potato salad. When suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder I turned around to see the newbie."Yes-"I was about to ask when suddenly he started yelling "Oh my God!! How did you change your appearance so quickly and smoothly,where did you got that wig from?and those contact lenses and clothes-" I understood what happened here I was angry at him because he intruded my private time so I screamed "Shut up you crazy slop jockey!". He stared at me so I calmed down and sighed and said "Look I am sorry for yelling at you. You have actually confused me with my twin she will be comming here soon she is the one who'll escort you okay?".

I said and resumed having my lunch he sat beside me on the bench and said in an embarrassed tone "I am sorry for startling you. I thought maybe it was your sister because you are sitting all alone here so I thought you were waiting for someone. So who is the older one?".

"You are trying to hard to start a conversation with me. You don't have to do it. By the way I am the older one my name is Violet". I replied.

There was an awkward silence after that. He wore his headphones around his neck they were red and black in colour. I could feel he was watching me From the corner of his eye his stomach started rumbling and he blushed."You could ask me for food you know I am not a carnivorous. Please stop looking at me from the corner of your eyes you can look at me directly I am used to people staring at me." I said while giving him an extra spoon to share the meal with.

At that moment the three bitches of the century came and said "Hey hag". Their names you ask they were the Dublin sisters. Martha,Agatha and Christina. They took my lunch from me and threw it at my clothes while saying " You still have terrible fashion sense let me fix it for you". I looked at my clothes,infuriated and replied"Well I am sorry I couldn't fullfil your expectations of me" then went and grabbed her neck and started throttling her "Darling go pick on someone of your own size you shouldn't play with adults". And with that I threw her aside. They finally noticed Lyan and embarrassed ran away I looked at my clothes. Lyan looked at them too and started searching for a tissue in his bags,I smirked and said "No need". Then I tore away the plastic wrap from my clothes he stared at me and I told him "I always come prepared. To assure my clothes safety I cover them with plastic wrap in such a way that people don't notice it. After all it is a gift from my sister". My sister came running towards us and hugged Lyan I just stared like a bystander. Then my sister noticed me and made an ugly face and said "Hello". "Hey" I replied. She ignored me and took Lyan's hand and ran away I resumed lunch. I had a bad feeling about this person.

Untold SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora