4 dinners or fist fights?

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I reached home and my sister ,Davis and Lyan were standing there waiting for me my sister was clearly intimidated. I got out and the officers requested to have a chat with me. I had a chat with them and explained them my situation thank God they understood but that doesn't mean that they didn't charged me for all the speed limits that I crossed, I mean that they literally charged me $25,000.

After I fended them off I apologized my sister for the inconvenience and told her to get ready for the lunch. I ordered Mrs. Martin to give Davis a suit. Now the problem left was Lyan he told me that his parents were going to drop some clothes off and that he couldn't go home since dad and mom had to go on a business trip so they had to run. They couldn't trust him in the house since he had once put it on fire and they had to call the fire brigadiers and it took two months of renovation to get it back in shape. It was a miracle he came out alive well I guess that's what you get if you leave eleven year olds home alone.

I told him I didn't care that he should be ready within half an hour.I got ready I wore my official dresses it was a dark blue gown and silver heels. I had to practice walking in them because I had never worn heels and I sucked at walking in them. I made my hair in a perfect bun and decorated it with ornaments and pearls

Everybody was ready and the table was set. The long table had a while table cloth on it which had floral patterns on it. For the food we had appetizers the main dish and dessert.

After waiting for a while the guest started to arrive with their families as my sister was a brat I asked Davis and Lyan to help me out. We welcomed the guests and then I escorted them to the dining room where they sat and chatted. I had invited three business partners they all came with their families most of their kids were in my classes I knew two families but the third one was unknown.

After a while the two families that I knew off had already arrived it was the Dublins remember Agatha,Martha and Christina? Yes their dad. Then it was The Tinkers they had two kids both were my Juniors a son and a daughter. They were Alisia and Robin.

They were all chatting in the dining hall and Mrs. Martin was giving the kids a tour of the house. My sister was also with them and she was busy gossiping with the three Dublin sisters. I was waiting fo the last family and when they came and I saw who they were my jaw dropped and my eyes popped. Can you guess who it was? can't? Well let me enlighten you. Remember I had a weird feeling when I was at Azrael house that well guess what? It was Azrael's family. He was starring at me and I was staring at them back after a while I finally relaxed and greeted them and they gave me my gift.

I seated them in the dinning hall and pulled Azrael aside and took him to my room "What are you doing here?" I asked (it is a very stupid question I am aware). "Oh nothing much" he replied. "I just decided to drop by to see my beautiful purr-incess". I just stared at him for five solid minutes before saying "Dude are you high?"

I am telling you people there is something in the water I mean just until yesterday my life was all nice and calm and peaceful and within the last forty eight hours two popular boys confessed to me.

Azrael just laughed and lifted my chin before saying "Aw you are so dense aren't you?". I was backed in a corner before I knew it his hands on either side of me so as to capture me. On normal occasions people I would break his hands and stuff it in his mouth. But right now there were other people downstairs.

"Step aside ass" I said "And what in the name of all things Holly do you mean that I am dense?". A look of disappointment flashed in his eyes before saying "Maybe this would remind you". His face was dangerously close to mine and all I could do was cringe, when my (not-so-needed) Knight in shining armour came. Can you guess who?. Yup you are absolutely correct it was Lyan the last person I wanted here. 1. Because he was still a stranger.2. he had nothing to do with me I mean he was my sister's friend.3. I didn't like involving people in my personal mess.

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