3 projects or revelations?

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I woke up and saw that dawn had already broken and I had been sleeping on Lyan's shoulder in the backyard and he was sleeping,his head resting on my head. He looked angelic well one of my fears had gone away,that he was a pervert.

I decided to stay that way, as to not disturb him that was the least thing I could do for him for making me such a delicious hot chocolate. He woke up after a while I checked the time on my phone it was eight in the morning. We stretched and started towards the house. We got in and saw Mrs. Martin hurrying here and there and making sure that everyone was working,they were cleaning up and decorating I didn't remember any occasion so naturally I asked "What is this? Is there something I am forgetting Mrs. Martin?" I asked. "Oh Miss. Violet you don't remember there are guests coming. You had to go to your colleague's to work on one of your project for that literature class of yours and then you have a meet n greet at home for one of your deals".

Oh crap.
I had totally forgotten and now there I stood stupidly and just stared at Mrs. Martin working. I had to run to Azrael's house to complete my project with him. Wait I am sorry for not giving you introductions. Azrael is supposed to be my literature partner and I have to finish a story with him by the end of this term. We were supposed to start working on it today! I have to reach his house by nine and it is eight fifteen right now!.

I rushed upstairs and started getting ready the noise woke up Linda and Davis they just stared at me rushing about like I had gone insane. I decided to wear a white top and a spring long skirt with some cool red sandales which I borrowed from Linda.

I made a pony and rushed towards the hall on my way I bumped into Lyan. He just stared at me like I was supposed to be something out of this world. I shoved him aside and grabbed a PB and J sandwich and a milk box and rushed towards the car sat in it and started it (and yeah I don't have a licence but right now I didn't give a shit I was late on schedule )while finishing my breakfast simultaneously it was eight thirty and his house was an hour away.

I stepped on the accelerator and started driving without thinking about the fact that I didn't had a driver license and it was illegal I was lost in my thoughts when a car came in front of me, and I swerved to avoid hitting it the driver cursed me while I continued driving.

I finally somehow reached his house alive I had three more close call with cars before reaching his house. I was surprised by my luck that the police didn't came and put me in jail. I ringed the bell twice and a pained voice from inside asked "Who is it?".

"It's me Violet I am Azrael's colleague" I replied. I stood there for a while and looked around his house looked as big as mine, it's exterior was made up of red bricks. Something felt wrong.......

Then the door opened and Azrael stood there inviting me in. I got in and saw a girl younger then Azrael was standing in front of me she had pink hair and blue eyes I deduced that it was Azrael's sister.

Azrael seemed in a bad mood and I hypothesised that they just had a fight. "This is my sister Beta" he introduced me. "Hello_"I began but then Beta said "Yeah yeah I know you your name is Violet. Azrael constantly talks about you" she said smirking.

"I do not!!!!" Azrael screamed.
He was the second most popular person in our class with black hair and those pretty blue eyes.

He just grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room upstairs and threw me on the bed."(way to treat a lady creepo) Sorry but you have to deal with my little sister because mum and dad are out buying a present for someone from dad's workplace. Can we wrap this up quickly, I have to go somewhere today. It is one of dad's official lunches.".

"Sure actually I also have to be somewhere by lunchtime so I think we are okay. So let's start. Let's come up with ideas."

Two hours went by neither of us had come up with a suitable idea. After a while Azrael groaned and said "Ughhh, let's just go and sit in the porch so we can relax I am tired of thinking." I just agreed,we just and went and sat down on on the grass in a well kept garden and I came up with an idea "Hey I have an idea can you write your routine for the next few weeks?" I requested. "Why do you ask?" He asked suspiciously. "Well if we combine our routines then maybe we can come up with a story" I said. "No can't do there are somethings I would like to keep private" he said straightforward. "Oh okay" I said. I looked at the time and said "Oh I have to go" I said. He came to see me off at the door I saw Beta staring at me from the door of her room." Bye have a nice day" I said.

"Oni chaan (o-nee_chaan) are you thinking what I am thinking huh?" Beta asked. "Looks like I am looking forward to something" Azrael replied.
(One chaan is a word used in Japanese to call your elder brother respectfully).

I stood outside Azrael's house and called my driver and asked him to come pick me he came after about an hour of waiting I was drenched in sweat by that time at one point I had thought of going back inside but thought that it would be weird so didn't did it.

When I settled in the car and the driver informed me that the police was standing outside our house I lost it my palms started getting sweaty and I started bitting my cuticles,I was so dead I mean literally R.I.P my dignity I hope nobody else knows that.

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