2 science classes and sleepovers

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I was bored as hell sitting in the dim lighting of the laboratory. Beside me sat Davis the only person who I called my friend,he was the only one who knew about our parents and past. He was what you called handsome as hell. He had pink hair and turquoise bluish eyes slim figure with muscles. One of the most popular guys out there.

Class started after a while it was the last class of the day,so naturally everyone was as tired as hell. The teacher came in and told us that we had to work in pairs. I paired up with Davis and Linda paired up with Lyan. We started working and we were the first team to finish,I was checking my emails when splash crash I looked up to see the cause of the commotion a test tube had ' slipped ' from Lyan's hand and landed on Davis's lap. Me and my sister watched, Davis was pissed off he went and grabbed Lyan's collar the teacher had to break them or they would've killed each other.

When they finally broke down Lyan's shirt was torn Davis's face was scratched and the whole class was entertained and refreshed. The bell rang I asked Davis "Dude are you coming over?". "Yeah sure" he answered. I had a feeling I was being watched so I looked around but found no one.

I went and sat in the car with Davis. Then we saw two figures approaching they came closer and I realised they were my sister and Lyan!? They came and sat. I pulled sister aside and asked her "How many times do I have to tell you not bring strangers home?". "Oh Lyan? He isn't a stranger" she said with an innocent face. "Yes he is but I'm letting you go this time not again please you are my sister and it is my duty to protect you. And by the way you aren't going to office today?" I asked "No" she replied and I nodded.

We reached home. I went inside and took Davis to my room Lyan was following us so I halted and looked back and he whistled and said "Quite a place you people have where are your parents?" I flinched on that question. "Our parents don't know us and don't live with us we work on our own and earn" I said coldly he got the clue and didn't ask anything about our family any more. "Why are you following me go to Linda". "He is also following you" Lyan said while pointing to Davis. "Well that is because he comes here often and has a room here beside mine". "Oh" Lyan said. I sighed and shouted "Mrs. Martin" she came running,"Please show our friend here to the hall and get him seated and entertained".

After a while I came down with Davis all freshened up they were already seated and were waiting for us. We also got seated and started eating I had sandwiches and lemonade Davis had a burger and cola my sister had fruit salad and orange juice and Lyan well he...had the same lunch as me.

We decided to play snooker for the sake of entertainment ,we paired up me and Davis and Lyan and Linda. My sister won. Then we played chess my team won this one. Then came bowling ,me and Lyan rocked at this. The best thing was that we didn't had to go anywhere it was all available at home.

Then we settled on the couch to watch a movie it was 'The Cult Of Chucky '. Davis sat on one corner then me then Lyan then Linda. The movie started me and Davis were laughing the whole time while Linda was hugging Lyan.

When the movie ended it was getting dark and it started pouring heavily. So Lyan called his parents and told him that he wouldn't be able to make it home. I had to give him my clothes because I usually didn't care which gender the clothes belonged to I just stacked them up so I had a lot of casual shirts which both genders could wear.

Now the worst part came where was he going to sleep? He proposed the idea"I can sleep in your room". "No fuck off" I replied. Then my sister said and proved that she is brat(not that it needed any evidence).

"Let's have a sleepover in your room". Everybody was in favour of the idea, except for the person to whom that room that belonged to. So I told them to wait, then I rushed up to my room and cleaned up somethings I preferred that they didn't see.

So everyone came to my room this was the first time a boy had come inside my room yes people I was pure as hell even my fiancee hadn't ever came into my room. So it was decided that Lyan slept with me on the bed and Linda and Davis slept on the mattress which was laid on the ground everyone soon went to sleep except for me.

So I got up grabbed a glass of water and some chocolate bars and went opened my laptop and started working on my homework and office work even though tomorrow was Saturday.

I woke up to someone tapping me on my shoulder it was a person with blue eyes, it was Lyan he told me that I had slept over here while working and scolded me like my mom as to why it is dangerous. Then he made me hot chocolate it was three am In the morning I had already finished my work I had been working continuously for six hours.

Then I don't know what came over me I grabbed his hand and took him in the backyard where the moon was shining and there we sat on a bench sipping hot chocolate the grass tickling our naked feet.

We were surrounded by roses, sunflowers,lilies,pansies,bluebells and many other flowers. "So what is your relationship with Davis?" He asked. "He was one of my best friends,then he became my fiancee it was our parents decision" I replied. I turned to look at his face it seemed like he had that deadly look on his face. "You threw the chemicals on Davis purposely right?" I asked. "Yes"he answered honestly. "Why?"I asked teasingly . "Because I was jealous. You only belong to me"he confessed. "You are high dude you have no idea who you are dealing with". I laughed it off. "Well that, time would tell" he replied. I rested my head on his shoulder and dozed off.

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