14 - What You Love About Him 🥴

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Daniel -
You love how he's honest and sweet. It's something you have always admired about him. His honesty has always been number one and you know he means well when he says the wrong thing at the wrong time because that's just Daniel. You know he's been heart broken in the past, and you don't know want to hurt him, so whenever he needs advice or anything, you try your best to be completely honest with him. ❤️

Kevin -
His point of view. Whenever there's a bad issue, Kevin is always the one trying to make a joke out of it. Even though that's doesn't really work most of the time, you know Kevin means well. You know Kevin doesn't do well with people getting upset and it makes you happy when Kevin makes that person laugh by saying a joke or pulling a prank. You love how he always sees the good in everything. 💙

Devin -
His dedication. When Devin sticks his mind to something, he goes with it until he's pleased. You love how Devin can never give up on something he sets his mind to, which pushes you further. 💜

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