19 -What Song Lyric? Worth It by YK Osiris

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Daniel - I just really wanna know do you love me, don't lie
Daniel's been hurt in the past. A lot. He doesn't want to get hurt again so he tends to break down after you two argue. You love him and you want him to know you would never hurt, but first, you need to make sure Daniel knows you care for him. ❤️

Devin - But I been doing shows, I swear I ain't doing you wrong
The first couple of months of your relationship had been easy, but after Devin and the boys went on tour again, you suddenly felt alone. After you told Devin that, he nonstop FaceTimed you, asking how was your day, and he promised to tell you everything when he would get back. When it was the last show, rumours went around he was sleeping with a Victoria Secret model, and you refused to answer his call. When he got back, he grabbed your arm as you tried to walk away and said, "I FaceTimed you everyday, baby! I would never ever cheat on you. Ask the boys, I was with them the whole time." 💙

Kevin - I would give you the world, baby girl, you just gotta be worth it
Kevin loves you and you love him. He needs a girl who can be with him and leave him alone at the same time. Dating an Aquarius sorta sucks, right? He wants to spend time with you yet he wants to be alone, so when he does that, understand him and wait until he finally makes up his mind. If you continue this, he'll fall harder for you and leaving him alone won't be an option anymore. 💜

I'm an Aquarius so don't get offended 😂 It's actual true about wanting company but wanting to be alone as well. I get annoyed when people don't accompany me when I want to be alone but how are they supposed to know? 😂 Did your school shut down? 👀

𝙱𝚘𝚖𝚋 𝙳𝚒𝚐𝚣 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now