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-Dabi's P.O.V-

I was about to leave when I remembered my brother could easily just escape using his quirk. I walked over to my desk and pulled a syringe Toga gave me yesterdy filled with Quirk-Reducing Serume. It should remove his ability to use his quirk for atleast 2 days. I injected the liquid into his arm then binned the syringe and left my room. Shigiraki was waiting for me in the hallway. I followed the Boss out my room and up the creaky stairs to what I believe is his 'private room' He opened the door to reveal an office like place, it was dimly lit and contained a desk two chairs and third chair in the corner. There was a window but it was boarded up and only a single ray of sunlight peeked through. But it was not nearly enough to illuminate this place, the thing helping me see and keeping me from baning into the wall was a small lamp on the desk. "So, Whatdya need me for boss?" I asked, sounding board as I leaned against the wall. Shigaraki walked over beside me and shut thwn locked the door, he walked back over to the desk and pulled out what looked like black gloves from a drawer. He slid them on his hands then buckled them at the sides, the gloves only covered his thumb, pinkie finger and ring finger. I assumed they were gloves to help with his decaying quirk. "Why'd you lock the door?" I asked this time sounding remotely intrigued. He looked up at me, he stepped infront of me and stared through my soul. "You're a bit close." I spoke but he ignored my words. "Shigiraki, you're kinda scaring me here." I said, "Tomura?" The blue haired male looked me up and down then stared at my lips. I blushed slightly and tried to look anywhere but at Tomura. "Okay, what the hell is happening?" I asked. I heard him giggle softly, as much as I hate to admit it that giggle honestly made my heart flutter. What the hell am I doing? Why cant I push him off? I looked him up and down aswell, taking in his oversized black jumper and black jeans. I was about to ask him if he was allright but I was interrupted when he pressed his lips against mine.

-No ones P.O.V-
(Sorry, I can't write stuff like that in first person ^w^)

Dabi's hands gripped Tomuras waist and he deepened the kiss, Shigiraki wrapped his arms around Dabi's neck and ran his hands through the taller males hair. Tomura broke the kiss for air and stepped away, Dabi was left in shock and began contemplating what the hell just happened. "Uhh..." The raven haired man mumbled. "I love you, you dont have to love me back. I am your boss after all." Shigiraki spoke softly as he walked over to the door and unlocked it, he was about to leave when Dabi took his hand and pulled him over to his side. Tomuras eyes lit up as Dabi kissed him again, they broke the kiss at the same time and smiled at eachother. They both heard a scream come from downstairs and the sound of metal rattling against wood. Dabi sighed, knowing his brother was now awake. "I'll get him." Dabi sighed as he ran down the stairs and into his room, "Say the hell away!" Shoto yelled when he saw Dabi enter the room. "Where are my classmates?! Where is my friend?!" Todoroki asked. Dabi dragged his desk chair over to his bed and sat down infront of Todo. "If you've hurt them! I swear to God I'll make you feel more pain than you would've thought possible!" Shoto threatened. "What the hell have you done to my quirk aswell?!" Dabi tried to calm him down but Shoto kept on asking where his friends where. "Bakugo is fine! Deku though... He should be fine for now." Dabie informed. "For now?! No! Let me see him!" Todoroki yelled. "I cant do that brother." Dabi spoke then relised he had just called him his brother. "Uhh..." "Brother?" Todoroki repeated. "Touya?! You're a villain?! Jesus, Dad said you were dead!" Todoroki spoke sadly as a tear left his eye. "No, I'm alive. I'm in the league of villains. I'm sorry but, your friend Deku isn't gonna survive. Bakugo will be fine and you but...." Dabi said. "Oh God, its Ochaco isn't it? Shes gonna hurt him! Please Touya, please let me see him!" Shoto pleaded. Dabi sighed and looked down. "Fine, but only 15 minutes." Dabi said, he uncuffed Shoto and showed him were Izuku was being kept.

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