Right Here

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-Todoroki's P.O.V-

My brother is a villain now? Jeeze. I cant blame him after what he must have gone through. Being the only child and suffering under the hands of our father until he had another sibling. It must've been hell for him. Those burn marks must have been from father too, that b*stard. He's taking me to where Midoriya is, I hope he's fine. Though, Touya said for now. Ochaco must be planning to hurt him and keep Bakugo for herself. But, why am I here then? My thoughts were interrupted when my brother opened a door to a basment. I walked down the stairs and felt my heart stop when I saw Midoriya tied to a chair, his head hung low. "Midoriya?" I called, his head snapped up and looked at me. "Todoroki?!" He said. I ran to him and hugged him as tight as I could, "Hey, what are you doing here?!" He asked. "I dunno." I replied truthfully. "Wheres Kacchan? Is he okay?" Midoriya asked. "He's fine." My brother chipped in, "Who are you?" Midoriya questioned. "Midoriya, that's my brother. I know it might sound crazy but, it's the truth." I spoke. "Dabi~~?" A female voice yelled. "Ah, sh*t. I gotta go, I'll leave yous teo alone. Dont try anything stupid Shoto." He said before leaving the basment room. "Brother?" Midoriya spoke, "I'm sorry they got you and Bakugo. I should have came for yous sooner." I apologized. "Dont be sorry Todoroki, none of this is your fault. Uraraka's intense jealousy is to blame." He smiled, I nodded with a sad expression.  I talked to Midoriya until my brother returned. "Uravity wants to talk to you, Shoto." He said, he looked in pain and that worried me. I looked at Midoriya and hugged him one last time, whilst my brother was looking at the ground I took the chance to whisper in Midoriyas ear. "I'll get us all out of here, I promise." I hesistantly walked off with Touya, i didn't want to leave Midoriya there, alone.

-Ochaco's P.O.V-

Todoroki and Dabi entered the bar, Dabi made Todoroki sit down in one of the chairs then handcuffed him. "Hello there Todoroki." I smiled, He glared at me then looked away. "What wrong with you?" I asked sarcastically. "Hmm let's see, me and my friends have had our quirks reduced and have been kidnapped by a psychotic b*tch that let jealousy get the best of her!" He snapped at me. I snarled then motioned for Dabi to leave the room. "Dont get cheeky with me Todoroki." I warned, he chuckled. "What's so godamn funny?!" I asked loudly. "You'll see." He replied. "See what?" I asked, he stayed silent. I walked over and grabbed his hair, "I'll see now!" I yelled, He kept silent though. I tightened my grip on his hair then smashed his head against the table. He groaned in pain but remained silent, "What a tough cookie." I smiled. "Dont make me do something I'll regret, you were an allright guy Todoroki. Dont make things complcated." I sighed. He wouldn't say a word, "Allright." I shrugged. I took the knife from my boot out and held it against his throat, "Got something you wanna say now?" I asked maliciously. He glared at me then suddenly spat in my face,  I backed away in shock and wiped away his saliva from my face. "You pr*ck!" I yelled. "You've got guts, you little runt!" I snarled, "I need to go see my fiance, I'll deal with you later." I spoke before shoving him to the ground and leaving the room.

-Bakugo's P.O.V-

I heard a thud come from near my room and the name Todoroki called a few times. But, why would he be here? "Honey~?" I heard a sickening voice call. "What?" I growled, "I wanted to see you before our wedding." She smiled. "Wedding?" I asked, "Yes, we get married in two days after all." She shrugged then put a knife into her boot. A patch on her face looked slightly wet, "What's that?" I asked out of sheer curiosity. "Hmm? Oh, this?" She sighed as she wiped the rest of the wetness away. "You're little friend Todoroki, enjoyed pissing me off then spat in my face. I know! how rude! You should have a word with him, defend your fiance." Shs smirked. "Hell no, I'm glad he spat in your face. You deserve you psycho." I spoke. She didn't seem to like that sentence but I couldn't care less. "That's not very nice Katsuki." She pouted, "I dont give a sh*t." I shrugged. "Hey! No swearing infront of your fiance!" She snapped. "We're not getting married!" I yelled. "Yes we are! We'll get married to eachother an I'll be Ochaco Bakugo! Then we'll have kids together~ Imagine the cute little beans." She fantasized, I wasn't having any of that sh*t. "No way in hell, I'm not marrying you and we are not having kids!" I scowled. "Why not?! Do you not like kids?" She asked. "Yes I do! But I want my kids to be with Deku! With freckles, green and blonde hair, green or red eyes! They'd be kids I'd love to have. I want Deku to carry my kids, not you. You pathetic, b*tch!" I snapped. She sighed, "Those kids will never exist my dear~ And soon that green waste of space will jo longer excist either!" She smirked. "Burn in hell!" I glared, she giggled, "Nah, the only one burning in hell with be Deku." She smiled before leaving the room. If she touches Deku, I'll blow her to f*cking bits!

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