Author's Note

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y/n= your name
y/e/c=you eye color
y/f/n=your full name
y/l/n=your last name
y/h/c=your hair color

I do not own any of the characters, but I do come up with and write the ideas. If you make a request and I write it in here I will put your name in the chapter, giving you credit for the idea. On that note, please don't be afraid to request imagines! I will write most requests with any supernatural character. For requests, submit the character and scenario and all that mumbo jumbo.Nothing too smutty and I won't write anything I'm not comfortable writing. I hope you understand!I've never written anything like this before so I'm sorry if it isn't that good 😁 but I've always wanted to try it.I love you all and with that here goes nothing! I hope you enjoy :)

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