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Imagine...going trick-or- treating with Gabe.

"This is stupid." Gabriel complains as you drag him out of the house. Outside, the street was already crawling with children and people. It was Halloween, one of your favorite holidays. "I can make you any candy you could ever want, why do you want to waste your time and energy walking around?" He says, pouting. You turn around and roll your eyes.

"You want some cheese with that whine?", you say.

He narrows his eyes, "You want some cheese with that whine.", he says in a high pitched voice, mocking you. "I don't sound like that." you say sternly. You grab his arm and keep dragging him behind you. "This is cool, looking at the decorations, the costumes." you tell him, locking your arm into his.

"But why did you have to buy me a mummy costume." he says pouting again.

"Because it's awesome. And you look cute in it." you say smiling and poking his nose. He smiles back. "Well, aren't we a little old for trick-or-treating?" He says smiling slightly. "Who cares? You're short anyways." you say smiling. "Ouch." he says putting his hand over his heart. You both laugh as you walk up to the first house. You ring the doorbell.

"Trick-or-treat!"you both say, except Gabe not as enthusiastically. It was an old lady with an orange sweater with a witch on it. "Oh you kids look adorable!" She gushes filling your bags with candy. "Young man if you flash me smile I'll give you another fistful." she says grinning. He rolls his eyes before giving the lady an awkward smile. He looked so funny you couldn't help but laugh. The old lady laughed and gave him,as promised, another fistful of Halloween candy.

For the rest of the night you go up to houses, your bags growing heavier and heavier. You walk up to your last house of the night and ring the doorbell. "Trick-or-Treat!" you say for the last time that night.
A teenage girl opens the door and looks you guys up and down. "Aren't you a little old to be trick-or-treating?",she scoffs. You cross your arms. "I'm sorry I didn't know there was an age limit." you tell her sassily. Gabriel smiles next to you as you stare the girl down. "Just give us the candy." you say holding your bag out. The girl rolls her eyes and puts a single piece of candy in your bag smiling innocently. She then turns to Gabe, putting a fistful of candy in his bag. As you start to walk away you hear the girl scream. You turn around and see the girl standing there...bald. She slams the door and you laugh.

You nudge Gabe in the shoulder. "Oh my gosh what did you do?" You say laughing but still shocked. He smirks. "No one talks to my baby like that."he says grabbing you by your waist and walking back into your house.

You dump all of your candy on the coffee table and start sifting through it. You sigh as you realize that you didn't get that much candy. Suddenly, there was a huge pile of candy on the table. You smile at Gabe as he walks behind you and sits with you on the couch.
"Thanks. Sorry you didn't get that much candy." I apologize. "No worries. I had fun spending time with you." he says sweetly. You kiss him lightly on the nose before you guys start devouring the candy in front of you.

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