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Imagine...fangirling with Charlie

Requested by Tisnotmydivison

You were sitting on the couch in the apartment you shared with your girlfriend, Charlie, searching through the tv channels. You sighed. There was nothing good on and you were bored out of your mind. This was not good.

When you get bored you do crazy stuff. The last time you were left alone with nothing to do, you dyed your (long/medium/short) hair green. It didn't turn out right so it looked like a little kid had colored your whole head with a green sharpie marker.

Suddenly, you heard the front door open and close. "Hey, y/n, come here!" Charlie called from the kitchen. You slid into your kitchen wearing your favorite fuzzy socks. Charlie laughs at you and you realize there's a large bag on the counter. "What's in the bag?", you say, putting your hands on your cheeks and under your chin, leaning against the counter.

Charlie smirked. "Close your eyes." she instructed. You rolled your eyes before doing what she said. "Okay, open them!" You could hear the excitement in her voice so you quickly opened them.

"Asdfhsjdbn." you made a sound unknown to mankind when you saw what she was holding.

"LIGHT SABERSSS!!" You yelled with excitement. Charlie laughed and smiled at how happy you were. There was also a Darth Vader mask, which you put on quickly.

"Charlie, I am your father." you say exhaling and inhaling loudly.

"Hi , Iamyourfather, I'm Charlie." she said waving. You raise the mask just so she can see you roll your eyes. "Just duel with me you dork."

You raise your red light saber as Charlie raises her blue one and the fight has commenced! You are both skilled, thanks to watching Star Wars over a million times.

All of a sudden, you hear a crash and lift the mask to see a vase shattered on the floor. "When did we get a vase?"you ask. Charlie shrugs before taking the opportunity to 'stab' you. You gasp and look down at your stomach. You close your eyes and fall to the floor dramatically. Charlie laughs before kneeling down next to you.

"Oh no! What have I done?" She says holding you in her arms. "My love." you whisper touching her cheek. She has to hold back a laugh as you continue. "I forgive you. No matter what. Goodbye. Forever." you whisper loudly. "Nooooooo." she says holding her fists up in the air. You erupt into a fit of laughter as Charlie helps you up. You kiss her on the nose making her scrunch her nose. "I love you, you dork." She laughs. "I love you too.

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