DeanxReader DeanxReader

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Imagine...being Sam and Dean's little sister and a witch turns you into mini-Dean for a day.

"There's no Asia!" You say in disbelief after listening to the radio station for a few minutes. "Yeah I know. This station sucks." Dean says at the wheel. You nodded in agreement from the backseat, Sam riding in the front. "So how long do I have to be this asshat for?" You say annoyed.

You had just come back from a hunt and that stupid witch bitch had turned you, personality wise, into Dean. You and him always argued on hunts and it apparently pissed of the witch. "Until we kill her." Sam says. "I want some pie." you and Dean both say in unison. You rolled your eyes as he pulled up to a bar. You walked inside and sat the bar. There was a bartender, a boy. You didn't know why but you felt compelled to talk to the handsome young guy in front of you.

You look over and see Dean talking up a girl as well. "Damn it." you mutter.

You were the exact opposite of Dean and it bothered you to be pretty much exactly like him. Dean walks up to you, a smug smile on his face. "So if I got this, I'm assuming-" he says with a paper napkin in his hand. You lift yours up in between your fingers, displaying the sloppy numbers on it.

He chuckles and sits down next to you. You both order a beer and take a sip, the white foam covering your top lip. You laugh as you look over at Dean and he laughs with you. "At least we're actually getting along." you say turning to him. "Yeah. You're a pain in my neck but I still love you." he says smiling. "No chick flick moments." you say holding up your hand. He laughs and nods.

"But seriously you're not so bad dude." you say sincerely. "Really?" He asks. "Yes really. You're a good brother Dean." you admit. He smiles and for the rest of the night you listen to classic rock while you eat pie and drink beer.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while but my wifi is shit and it's been hard for me to write. Just a reminder but I still take requests! Okay that's all for now and I love you all! Btw sorry if this sucks but I just wanted to update so I kinda rushed into it. Okay NOW I'm done. Byee!

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