A Whole New World

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~ Suzanna POV~

" Mom why do we have to go to Connecticut?", I complained, being 13 everything felt like it wasn't my way.
" Because of your fathers job", my mom said, she sounded tired. I sighed. I had to leave my friends for some stupid outdoorsy crap. No, it felt like nothing was going my way.
" well come on Suz, we can actually spend more time together and maybe see some really cool animals!", said Demmi, she was only 11, a bit of a goof-ball, creative, athletic, bubbly, everything you'd expect from a 11 year old. I chuckled,
" and maybe you'll get eaten by bears", I said.
" Ha ha, well at least I won't die because the wi-fi is down", she smirked. I rolled my eyes. I looked out the window, trees, trees, more trees, it seemed like there was nothing but trees. I sighed again.
" there better be some girls my age", I mumbled.
" Maybe, maybe not", said my mother. I sighed again.

~ Demmi POV ~

Why did Suz have to be so negative all the time. I was upset about leaving, but then I thought of all the positive things, new school, new start, no more bullying. I looked out the window and started to listen to some music. We reached out house which looked like an old Victorian age house. It was beautiful in my opinion, imagine playing hide and go seek in there! I grabbed my bags and ran inside, dust greeted me at the door. I had a fit of coughing before going to pick out my room. I looked through many rooms before picking the one I wanted. I chose a room on the 3rd floor. It was a big room, a high ceiling, and sky blue walls, it had its own balcony, and a queen sized bed with beautiful railings. I started to unpack. Clothes, decor, other stuff I had. I decorated the room. Once I was done it was all clean and organized. I layed on the bed and started to read a book.

~ Suzanna POV~

I chose a big room, one big enough to fit my things. I got everything out and put things away. Once I was done I sat down on my bed and watched Markiplier. I heard a know at the door. I opened the door to find Demmi in a different outfit.
" what are you doing?", I asked, slightly annoyed.
" Imma go out and explore, wanna come with?", she asked. I thought about it. Going outside, it was a beautiful day, and I had watched almost every episode of markiplier. I decided I would go. I sighed.
" Ok I'll come, but let me get changed", I replied.
" 5 minuets and I'm leaving you", she said. I rolled my eyes as I shut the door. I grabbed the clothes I wanted to wear and I was done only 3 minuets later. Demmi laughed.
" What's so funny?", I asked.
" It's just, I thought I was gonna leave without you, I guess I was wrong", she laughed. I rolled my eyes. She started to walk out the door, and I followed her. The property we had bought was huge. We could explore anywhere and we wouldn't finish exploring until a week later. That's how big the woods were. We decided to explore the south side of the woods. There was nothing interesting in the woods, just more trees. I was kinda getting sick of trees. Until Demmi gasped.
" what ?", I said, getting scared and looking ahead. She pointed to a fence. The fence ha signs all over it saying 'keep out' and ' danger' it was kinda wierd.
"We should hop the fence", said Demmi.
" No are you crazy!?", I asked. She looked at me like as if I wasn't her sister and that I knew nothing about her. She sighed.
" Fine I'll climb the fence you stay here and if I'm not here in about 10 minuets then come get me", she said.
" 5 minuets",I said.
" Ugh fine", she replied, he started to climb the fence. She hopped down and started to run deeper into the woods. I stayed there, alone.
" I should've watched more markiplier", I mumbled.

~Demmi POV~

I ran until I was out of breath. I stopped behind a tree, I heard a twig snap. I turned to see who it was. A boy. He had brown hair and wore a camo shirt. 'What the heck?' I thought. He started to make a pyramid with rocks. "A Karen", I mumbled to myself. He didn't hear me. He started to walk towards where I was. I froze and tried not to make a sound. He passed me and continued walking. I started to follow. He walked until he stopped, I stopped and looked forward, a shack. I felt like I shouldn't go there, but the boy continued forward. I turned around and started heading back to my house.

~ Suzanna POV ~

5 minuets.
"Ugh where is she", I mumbled. Then I heard running footsteps from beyond the tree line. I froze, I started to breath heavily. The I saw it was just Demmi.
" Oh my gosh Dem, you scared me", I breathed.
" I saw a boy", she replied. I was confused, she seemed to tell.
" I saw a boy in the woods", she said, she was clearly getting impatient. She walked past me. She stayed quiet for the rest of the night. I'm sorry, but I didn't believe her.

~ Demmi POV ~

Why didn't she believe me? I clearly saw him. I decided I didn't see anything and was locked in my room all night. I watched many different things, mostly creepypasta stuff and Planet Dolan and Danger Dolan. I went to bed. Before I went to bed though, I looked at the calendar , just a few days before the summer solstice. I stared at the ceiling for the next hour before falling asleep and having nightmares.

I woke up, sweating. I turned in the lamp and started to think about my dream.
I was walking down a path with thick woods around it. I soon came to a fork in the road. I saw a man at the end of the right path, he had dark skin and dreadlocks, he turned around and started walking. I ran, trying to catch up to him, I was too slow, I started falling and now I was by a mountain side and there was a monster, a demon of some sort.

I woke up there, I didn't know what it meant, but it was probably just the creepy videos
before bed. I layed down and waited for sleep to take me away.

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