Drugs and Porpoises

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-Suzanna POV-

It's been a few days since I last saw Kendra and went over to the house. Demmi's been acting weird, like, really weird... she studies the birds and butterflies near the fence a lot more now, as if she's trying to find something out. She's weird. Anyway, Demmi won't talk to me anymore, she's either outside or on the family computer downstairs, looking up some pretty weird stuff. Folklore and mythical creatures weird.

I got bored of being in the boring old house all day, so I decided to talk a walk and try and find my new school for the upcoming year. I walked around down the street passing the gate to Kendra's home, I decided I was going to visit her after my findings.

The school was a lot farther than anticipated, almost 7 miles away from home! It's probably because we practically live in the middle of nowhere. I walked to the nearby gas station and bought some snacks for me and Kendra. While I was walking home I felt the odd sensation of someone watching me. I looked around and saw no one. Well of course someone's watching you, you're in the middle of town. The feeling didn't go away as I continued back home.

I eventually reached the gate and climbed over, since the gate was locked for some reason. I walked down the gravel pathway for what seemed like forever. Then I began hearing noises in the woods, animals? I swear I could hear talking. I jogged away hoping the strange feeling in my gut would go away once I got to the house. Pretty soon the gravel road lead to the big Victorian house, filled with birds and butterflies galore. It was absolutely beautiful, definitely more so than when I last came. I walked up to the wooden porch and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps come to the door and saw the door open, the cool A/C hit my face, making me sigh in relief.

"Who are you?" Said the boy who answered the door. He looked about Demmi's age... was this her imaginary crush??

"I'm Suzanna," I replied, answering the boy's question. "I'm friends with Kendra."

The boy scrunched up his nose in distaste. "Kendra!" He called out, "someone's at the door for you!" He moved out of the way to let me in. I heard footsteps come down the stairs. Kendra smiled at me once she reached the bottom.

The boy passed her and mumbled something to her, something along the lines of "no fair" as he stormed up the stairs.

"Sorry about him. He's just my idiot brother" Said Kendra, faking embarrassment.

"Trust me. I know one or two things about siblings," I said, watching the stairs before turning to her, "more like a pain" I smirked.

Kendra smiled then sighed. "He's just upset about an... incident that happened recently" she frowned.

"What happened?" I pressed, "but I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want to", I said, feeling as if I was invading her privacy.

"oh no it's alright, he's just... made a mistake." She smirked. "Let's just say he didn't do it on 'porpoise'" she giggled. Now I was confused. She obviously could tell.

"Sorry, wrong animal," she smiled. I was still utterly confused. Kendra glanced around the room, as if something was watching us, did she have the same feeling?

She pressed her lips together and whispered to me, "there's something I want to show you but I don't know if I can." Now I was getting scared. Was she hiding a body? A deadly animal? Is that why she made a joke about porpoises and her brother?

She took my hand a led me to the kitchen, she grabbed a bottle of milk from the fridge and pour two glasses. One for her and one for me.

"I don't think this is a good idea... telling you about this..." she said worriedly. "I could get in so much trouble, but it can be hard sharing a secret with an idiot brother, knowing a friend that can easily keep the same secrets... right..?" She asked, staring at me with dark eyes, as if trying to peer into my soul. I nodded.

"Once in the third grade, I got sick and threw up in my mother's purse, I hid it and told her I didn't know where it was. She still thinks it went missing back in our old home," I said a little too quickly. Kendra gave me a strange look, then smiled.

"Ok... I can trust u." She took a sip from her cup. "Drink up" She said, looking out the window.

I took a sip, wondering what dark secret she wanted me to share with her. Suddenly there was a flash of light and I was momentarily blinded. I blinked a few times until my sight was regained. I looked at Kendra who was still looking out the window. I followed her gaze and saw the most incredible thing I've ever seen!

There was a tiny human figure playing in the birdbath! The figure had beautiful orange and red wings, like a butterfly! But it obviously wasn't a butterfly!

I gasped and dropped my cup, still full of milk. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window again. The creature was still there! A fairy!! A real life fairy! I looked at Kendra and back to the fairy. Kendra was beaming. This wasn't a terrible secret or some murder crime. This was magical! No. Wait. This isn't right.

I looked at the spilled milk on the floor and back to Kendra, still beaming like a child on Christmas.

"What drugs did you put in that?" I yelled at her. I was terrified now. Who else was in on this pink elephant madness? Was someone going to pop out of the basement door and attack me? Or are the walls going to start dancing? I slowly began to back out into the hallway towards to front door.

"No! No your fine! This is real!" Cried Kendra, now understanding how badly she scared me. "Just let me explain and it'll all make sense!" She said, touching my hand in a way of comfort.

I realized how heavily I was breathing, I calmed myself and decided to listen to whatever alibi this crazy person would tell me. I was already on some drug so why not listen to my new drug dealer. Kendra sighed.

"Ok but you have to promise, no freaking out, and you can't tell anyone" she said. I nodded as she began to tell me everything.

-Demmi POV-

I shut down the computer, bored out of my mind and tired of my lack of discovery. I don't know where I got the idea of fairies and magical creatures I just did. But my mind wandered to Seth again. He was a nice boy. Maybe even cute but I would never say that out loud. I walked to the couch and plopped myself down, too lazy to grab the remote and turn on TV.

I began dozing until I heard the garage door slam shut. It gave me a mini heart attack but once I regained my sanity I looked to see Suzanna, sweaty and looking about ready to murder someone, she looked absolutely insane.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" I yelled at her, trying to show her through words that I was upset and tired. She didn't seem to notice. She walked over to me and kept looking at the fence.

"You ok?" I asked concerned, "you look like you saw a celebrity... did you?" I asked, maybe she met someone really famous like Jennifer Lawrence or something.

She shook her head and smiled. "No. You won't believe what I just saw."

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