Adventures in the Woods, Adventures at the Store

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~ Suzanna POV ~

I had to go to the store to buy some stuff for the house, tools, paint, all the house decor and stuff. The first night at the house was creepy in my opinion. Random creaks and moans went through the house. I had a couple hours of sleep, but not enough. I felt groggy, food didn't help that much but I guess it sorta worked. I didn't see Demmi at all this morning so I thought she went to go stalk her crush, no she did not have a crush but I just teased her about it. So anyway, I wore the clothes I usually wear on Friday. Pretty simple. I walked to the store, which was a bad idea, since the road seemed to go on and on forever. Not a good day to wear something dark. I kept walking until i saw a sign, like the ones at the edge of our home. There had to be a house there, I decided that I would ask mom later. I continued to the store. I got there about 30 minuets later. I decided to buy tools first so I could get paint and the other heavy stuff later. I got all the stuff and I looked for some paint. My favorite color was aqua blue so I decided to look for that certain paint. I continued to search until I saw someone looking at some aqua blue paint. He was tall and seemed to have big ears.
" uh, excuse me , uh, are you going to buy that?", I questioned the man. Wow that's the best I could do, are you going to buy that, ugh that's gonna haunt me forever.
" No, here you can take it", said the man. Handing me the paint.
" Thanks", I said. I started to walk away.
" Hey, wait I've never seen you around before, you new?", he asked.
" Uh, yeah just moved here yesterday", I replied.
" Oh, well you look about the same age as a girl who is staying with her grandpa for a few weeks, I help around the house", he said. Did he say, a girl around my age? The first good thing that has happened to me ever since the move!
" Huh, well maybe I could meet her sometime", I said.
" I'll ask, well see you around", said the man.
"w-wait, I didn't get your name", I called after him. The man turned.
" It's Dale", he replied, before leaving the store. I was excited, a girl my age, staying for maybe most of the summer? Amazing.

~ Demmi POV ~

I was exploring in the woods. My Outfit was already covered in dirt and cuts from the twigs and plants. It had rained and the earth smelled amazing. I love the smell of rain. I hopped the fence again, I wanted to see if anything was inside the shack. I walked east, I thought I remembered going east. I was right. There was a shack, covered in ivy. I walked toward it. I turned to see if I was being followed. I looked inside the shack. There was woman, who looked old and wrinkled, her clothes were torn and ripped, she looked really creepy. She was gnawing on a rope, covered in blood, probably from her gums. She turned toward me. I backed away slowly.
" Why hello dear", said the woman, her voice was soft and clear.
" Why this is the second visitor I have had in awhile", she grinned. I didn't say anything.
" Would you like to come in and have some tea?", she asked. This is when I spoke.
" Uh, no ma'am, I don't drink tea", I replied. "and I must be getting back to my home, I think I've gone too far", I said quickly, trying to be as polite as possible. I started to walk away. I didn't hear that she followed me. But I had a feeling that someone was watching me. I couldn't remember where I was going, so I decided that I would have to keep walking until I reached a fence. I know for sure that I was going in the direction that I came in, but then I was confused. There should be a fence where I was standing, so I started walking in that direction. I continued walking until I reached a tall bush. I wanted to see what was beyond the bush, so I crawled through it. Water droplets pelted my head as I crawled through. Once I got up from crawling under, my jaw dropped. There was a pond, with about 11 or 12 gazebos each unique. I walked up the wooded stairs by the pond, I saw some monkeys. Why are there monkeys in Connecticut? I wondered. Before I felt someone or something pull me to the ground and wrap a hand around my mouth. I gasped, freaking out, trying to push the person off me. I looked at the person who attacked me. It was the boy I had seen yesterday. My eyes widened because I was surprised, So did his, but not in surprise, In shock, because, when was the last time you tackled a girl you don't even know? He immediately removed his hand from my mouth and got up.
" oh my gosh, In sorry", he said, holding out his hand to help lift me up.
" Uh, I-it's ok", I said, I was still a bit shaken by the whole incident. Then the questions started.
" What are you doing on my grandfathers property?", he questioned.
" The property is your grandfathers?", I asked. " I didn't know that someone lived close by", I said, and it was true,
" Close by? You live close by?", he asked.
" Uh yeah, but I moved here just yesterday", I said. There was a moment of silence.
" What's your name?", I asked the boy. He gave me a look that said, ' and how can I trust you?' But then he spoke.
" Seth", he said.
" I'm Demmi", I said. I grew comfortable around him, but I just barely met him.
" I live next door", I said.
" Oh, I'm staying with my grandparents while my parents go on a cruise", he said.
" that's cool", I said. Another moment of silence.
" Well nice meeting you Seth, uh, I guess I'll see you around?", I said.
" Yeah", he said. I walked off and crawled through the bush. Well I'm pretty sure I just embarrassed myself in front of a boy I just met. I continued walking, I should've asked him which way north was. I found the fence but 20 minutes later. I climbed up and jumped downs. No way was Suzanna going to believe this.

~ Suzanna POV ~

It was around 6:00 pm and I still haven't seen Demmi at all.
" hey, where's Demmi?", I asked my mom.
" No idea", she said. " probably out exploring the woods", said mom.
" huh, she's gonna get so many ticks", I laughed. My mom gave a look. I knew she was joking. Then Demmi walked in the room.
" Hey where have you been, have you been seeing your crush?", I laughed.
" Oh shut up", Demmi said smiling. The way she acted maybe me actually think she had seen a boy, but I shrugged it off.
" Oh and mom, someone invited me to come over and hang out with a girl my age", I said. My mom said nothing for a moment before speaking.
" Well you can go but if you don't feel like somethings right you can call me k?", she said. I thought of her words before she said something else.
" also, I will be helping our next-door neighbors out tomorrow, so if you want to come you can", she said. I looked at Demmi, she shrugged her shoulders.
" I'll come", said Demmi, " I have nothing better to do". I thought about going. 'maybe I will' I thought to myself.
" Eh, I'll come", I told my mom, like Demmi, I had nothing else to do.
" Great!", said my mom, " we will be helping around the house and cleaning". I thought of how bad it could be, not that bad. I grabbed the aqua blue paint and I went up to my room to start painting. Demmi, on the other hand grabbed a big bag of nail polish and the white paint. Her idea of a creative room is painting the room with nail polish, with as much color , with small strokes and a white backdrop. It was sorta cute in my opinion, but with so much color it was kind of dizzying. Anyway it was getting late so I put on my Pajamas, after I walked into Demmi's room which was already halfway done.
" Surprising", I mumbled to myself before leaving to the kitchen. I grabbed a bag of chips and went upstairs to watch a movie or something.

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