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      Drifting in and out of consciousness is not fun. Especially when Percy keeps hitting these crazy bumps which make me hit my head against the window. To be honest I didn't know where we were, and I barely knew who I was. We must've gotten pretty hammered last night or something. 

        The only problem was that we haven't gone out in weeks. Every time I was asked if he wanted to, I would just be told that we could have more fun together. Always claiming he was tired of all the noise and the amount of people, blabbing on about how we don't know them and that something could happen. It just never made sense. He used to love going out to places with me, his hand tight around my waist glaring at anyone who looked at me too long. He is so possessive, and yet he loves showing me off to everyone, making sure everyone knew I was his and his only. I always just laughed it off and continued on with what I was doing. There were only couple confrontations throughout the years and I made sure nothing too serious was inflicted. At least nothing that needed hospitalization. 

"Percyyy slow down my head hurts," I whine. I must be in the back seat because I'm sort of sprawled out. My feet are awkwardly dangling off the edge and I think my knees are bent. I am really out of it and I can't focus. My eyes were rolling all around under my eyelids. 

"What are we going to do with her, sir?" someone whispered. That was definitely NOT Percy. I cannot believe him right now. He knows I don't like riding with strangers, especially when I'm drunk out of my wits! Honestly! I swear when we get home, and I feel up to it, he is getting an earful. 

      It takes a couple of moments for what the person said to register in my mind. Were they talking about me? What do they mean "do with me"? What the absolute fuck is going on? I'm going to kill Percy for letting me drink this much. 

"We aren't doing anything with her," the other person spoke through gritted teeth. "In fact, I will not be needing your services anymore." 

        Now that person has to be a guy. Not one I recognize I might add. He spoke matter-of-factually, and yet it was almost a growl. He sounded angry, possessive even. He was also not Percy and as far as I know there is no one else in the car. At this point I am very close to screaming. I am in a car with two strange men and I can barely open my eyes or move my body. 

       I stop trying to open my eyes. Instead I tried to focus on their conversation. Clearly I was not with Percy, but in the back seat of one of these men's cars. Millions of questions went through my head. I tried staying calm and answering them as best I could. The problem was I didn't know shit. Who are they? I don't fucking know. Where are we? I also don't fucking know. Where are they taking me? Once again, I have no fucking clue. I groaned, they both turned in their seats. I could feel their eyes on me. I shifted my position a little and prayed they thought I was still asleep. I could not face them right now, I needed a plan. 

    The car was silent for a while, I didn't like it. My mind roamed free, creating its own ending of this car ride. Two men in a car with a drunkard woman? There are too many ways that could go wrong. However, about ten minutes later, thirty or forty since the driver guy got angry, we swerved and the car came to a hard stop. 

      My heart started racing, thumping loudly against my ribs. I would not be surprised if the others could hear it. I squeezed my eyes shut, to slow my ragged breathing. They had to know I wasn't asleep now. What should I do? What do I do? Come on Emma! Think! 

I peeled my eyelids open, but not enough you would be able to tell. The driver guy had put the car in the park and was staring straight ahead. The smaller passenger looked worried and confused, his head slowly turning towards the driver. 

"Uh, Liam?" he spoke up, wary. His voice was weak and much higher than the one I heard earlier. Which meant the driver had to be the one with the deep voice. Honestly, I'm not surprised, the driver had large muscles whereas the passenger was skinny and boyish. 

     He didn't answer. I took the moment of silence to take in my surroundings. The liquor had messed with my senses but it was starting to wear off. Without moving my head, or causing the men to notice me, I opened my eyes wider and I did my best to look out the windows. Of course, my head was still leaning slightly against the door handle so I didn't have much to look at. I could see that we were in the shade. Stopping the car under random shade could only mean a couple of things. 

    We were either: A)Getting gas at a gas station. B)Making a pit stop to use the facilities. C)Handing me off to some madman. Or, D)All of the above. I had a strong feeling it was the last one. However, I wasn't allowed long to imagine the horrors ahead before someone spoke. 

"Get out." His voice was calm and demanding, leaving no room for argument. The driver, Liam I'm assuming, was who spoke. He seemed uninterested in the whole situation, but that changed quickly. 

"Liam I-,"

"Get the fuck out Nick," irritation prominent in his voice. He wasn't angry, at least not that I could tell. He had moved his gaze onto the boy sitting next to him. "You are not allowed to know where we are going. That was the deal."

"Yeah, but I thought that since-," he trailed off. "Can't I at least have a turn?" he had a wicked smile plastered across his face. He slowly turned his head towards me, but kept his eyes on Liam. 

     My eyes were glued shut, my heartbeat once again racing. Wait, did he mean? More importantly, is Liam going to let him? Shit. Shit. I can't even do a single thing about it. Awake or not there was no way I could overpower them. 

     Liam sighed. "You know, Nick, I thought you were smarter than this." he rested his hand on the center console. I could see he was holding something but I couldn't exactly tell what it was. 

"Whoa, Liam. You can put that thing away, I was just kidding," he laughed nervously, he reached for the door handle. He pushed it open and began exiting the vehicle. This arrogant prick! Before he had completely shut the door, he peered back at Liam and muttered, "Mostly kidding." 

      Liam punched the side of the steering wheel, took a deep breath, then chuckled to himself. "You wanna play dumbass, fine. I'll play your game." He kicked open his door and stood up on the side of his seat. "Stupid whore, I was just kidding! Wanna taste her? Come get some," he sounded insane. I'm assuming Nick turned around because Liam jumped down from his seat and walked around the car. I could hear some laughing outside the vehicle next to my feet. 

What happened next was absolutely terrifying. 

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