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    On that note, I turned the closet handle and slammed the door shut. Pleased to find the lock I had noticed earlier I swiftly turned it and locked myself inside. Within seconds Samantha was banging on the door, begging me to open it. 

"Emma, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, please come out so we can talk." 

"Talk? You mean you drilling me with the same questions just for me to give you the same answers I have been for the past hour?" I scoffed, standing back up. "Nah I'd rather not."

   She muttered many cuss words and moved away from the door. At first I thought she was going to break it down, but she never did. I sat on the floor in the farthest position from the door, just in case she did try to forcefully open it. 

   Samantha continued walking around the room the same as she did before. I wondered how long it was going to take Liam to come back to deal with her and get her away from me. 

   I pulled my knees to my chest and laid my head down, waiting. My eyes drooped further the longer I sat there. I still don't understand why it was such a big deal that I don't remember anything, that's better for them anyway, isn't it? With my callous parents and truancy issues, it would be a while before anyone suspects I'm gone. With me not remembering shit, why is it such a fucking big deal to her? I curse Samantha and her bitchy ways of getting into my business. 

    I don't know how long I was laying in that closet because, before long, I had nodded off. I  dreamed of a pretty night sky, full of the brightest stars. To my left there was a plate of cookies as well as a purple firearm. I smiled, remembering what it took to finally get it. Flashbacks of different people and instances flooded my subconscious. To my best knowledge, I had never met these people before. And yet, there I was fighting alongside the fiercest men and women I had ever seen. 


My head was in so much pain. It felt like my brain was trying to escape by continuously throwing itself against my skull. I swear these motherfuckers and their knocking me out is really getting on my last fucking nerve. 

"I didn't know, I swear!"

 I whined as Samantha's voice became louder and louder the longer I tried to ignore it. She had the most annoying voice in the entire world, but that could just be the hangover. 

"You promised she'd come back unharmed! You said their technology wasn't proficient enough to overturn ours!"

   More people? What happened to no one is allowed in here?  

    Looking for something to cover my ears with I outstretched my arms for a pillow. However they were unable to complete this simple task. With a harsh clash of metal, my arms were constricted back. Confused, I peeled open my eyes. I immediately came to the realization that I had on handcuffs, to which the other ends were cuffed to the bed. Completely freaked, I did what most people would in this situation, I screamed bloody fucking murder. 

  The arguing couple each whipped their heads around to face me, one concerned, and the other fearful. To be honest I didn't care about either because it turns out, my legs are also unable to move freely. Still, they run to either side of the bed. I panic and begin to hysterically cry, begging for them to let me go, but also not to touch me, and then to go home. The last request had a serious impact on Liam, who seemed hurt at the mention of my home. 

      "Emma I need you to calm down, okay?" he says reassuringly. He wipes the tears from my face as I continue to cry. 

    "No, you're a liar. I'm done listening to you! Get away from me!" He flinched at my sudden outburst. 

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