Chapter 1:

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There I was, sitting in the Defax office, where the carpet smelled like old coffee and it was always quiet.

My old foster parents were kinda mean and didn't want me anymore. They only wanted me for the money.

There I sat, luggage in one hand skateboard in the other. Probably going to stay in that horrible back room with a toddler mattress.

They were having a conference about me, possibly sending me to another home.

I put my skateboard on the floor and rolled it back and forth with my foot. I was so bored.
After an eternity the lady came out.

"Good news honey, you're going to a better home." She said as I picked up my skateboard. That was never good news, it always was the same cycle.

She told me to gather my things and get in her car.

The ride there felt different.

We arrived to this huge place, like a fucking mansion.

I hopped out of the car and grabbed my stuff.
A man came out of the house.

"Hey Susan!" He said doing an awkward jog.
I didn't pay much attention, just playing with some fire ants in the crack of the driveway.

"David isn't here right now but I'll make sure he signs these and returns them"
His voice sounded familiar but I didn't pay any attention.

"Okay Rose, are you ready?" The lady said.

"I suppose." I said jabbing an ant with my skateboard.
I walked up to this mysterious man and stared in confusion.

"Hi, I'm Brian, you can call me dad though." He said softly kneeling down to my height.
The car left the driveway and I watched it go down the road.

"She's actually a bitch." I said looking at the car then walking past him.

He stood back up and I could hear him chuckle softly as I went up the steps.

"Hey kiddo wait up." He said walking up to me.

"I'm Rose, you won't keep me for long." I said looking up at him.

"Well let's go inside and talk."

I nodded and we went inside.

I set my stuff by the door.

"Hey I'll take that up for you." He said.
He grabbed my backpack and suitcases and went for my board.

"No.." I said softly.

He nodded and took the cases upstairs. I sat on the floor and waited for him to return.

He came back down and went to the kitchen.

"Hey Rose, come here!" He said trying to break the silence.
I did and he got a milk jug out.
"Do you like chocolate milk?" He asked smiling.
I nodded happily and smiled slightly.
He made me a glass and told me to sit at the table.
I put my glass on the coaster and sat.

"Alright, I have a couple of ground rules.
No swearing, No talk back or any of that. When I was a kid I got spanked for that.
Always tell us where you're going.
And bedtime is 9:00 okay?"

"Yes sir."

"Now, come up to your room, I've got to show you."

We went upstairs and he opened a door. It was a huge room but.. it was hot pink. Like, the walls, the bed, everything.

"Thanks.." I quietly said and went inside and sat on the bed.

He sat next to me,
"Also you don't get a mom here, you have another dad." He said patting my back.
I nodded.
"Hey Brian sir, umm do you have wifi?" I asked taking out my phone.
The Defax place was nice enough to get me a cheap track phone. Something for games and videos. It's super cracked but it's what I have.

"Of course!" He said smiling. I gave him the phone and he typed in the wifi password.

"Thank you..."

"Now David will be here tonight, he's getting you some goodies, we heard you like skating and art so He may be getting you some surprises."

I nodded, and we went back downstairs to eat a snack.

As I ate my grilled cheese while Brian was in the living room, adjacent to the kitchen. I had heard him before but I don't remember where.

I went to YouTube and watched Vanossgaming play prop hunt,  that was one of my favorite games for them to play.

I heard the the TV mute so I turned it down.
I can't hear that well and my last foster parents smashed my phone because it was too loud.

I heard a car pull up.

"I'm sorry I'll turn it down, the guys that I'm watching are really loud I'm sorry!" I cried before covering my head.

"I'm not going to hit you dear." He said rubbing my back. The door opened and in came another man with some bags.

"Babe, come here." Brian said smiling.

The man did so and set the bags on the counter.

He also came up behind me.

"Unpause the video." Brian said smiling.
I did and the video resumed.

"What's so fucking funny? Brian why are you showing me this?"

Then when they start talking Brain and the man looked at each other.

"Really fucking funny Brian."

"No, David it's Vanoss."

I turned around.

"You watch Vanoss too?!" I said lightly smiling.

"Honey, we're in those videos." Brian said smiling.

So that's where I heard him before.

"I'm Terroriser, and that's Nogla."

"Howdy Doody." David said smiling.
My jaw dropped.

I got up out of the chair and hugged Brian.

He hugged me tightly too, and I practically sobbed. These guys always made me happy through out the years and I didn't even recognize them.

David kneeled down and hugged me too. I hugged him too.
David picked me up and put me on his waist, I'm 12 but I'm tiny.
With one hand he held me and the other going through groceries.

He handed stuff to Brian and Brian put it up. He got the usual, eggs, milk, and other stuff.

"Also there's some stuff for you in the living room." David said adjusting me back on his hip.
He let me down and I ran into the living room and looked in the bags.
He got me a sharpie kit and 2 skateboards.

"I didn't know which board you would like so I got both." David said.

"Thank you papa!" I said hugging David.

Later that night...

It was 7 and after eating supper I washed my plate. It was still light but the street lamps were on.

"Dad, can I go ride my board for a bit? Pleeeaase?"
Brian wiped his mouth and looked at David. He nodded.
"Yea just come back in when it gets dark dark." Brian said.

I nodded and went outside with my board.

I walked up the deserted street, You could tell this was a fancy neighborhood. Only like 3 other houses.

When I got to the top of the hill I set my skateboard down and stepped on when all of a sudden I heard a voice.

"Hey! You like skateboarding too?" It came from behind me.
I turned around to see a girl behind me, she looked to be around my age.
She had lime green hair and it was cut short.

"Yeah.." I shyly responded. "I'm Rose."

"I'm Ollie." She said putting down her skateboard. I smiled and we rode together.
We rode around for a bit until it got dark.

"Hey I'll give you my number." She said pulling out her phone. My phone doesn't have a number but I'll use dad's.

I rode home and went up to my room.
I put my board down and crawled into bed.

Home Is Where I go (Adopted by Terroriser and Daithi De Nogla)Where stories live. Discover now