Chapter 2

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The next morning I woke up and awkwardly went to the bathroom.
I was ready for a shower.
I don't know how the knobs work. Oh God...
I awkwardly went around looking for their bedroom until I found it.

I opened the door and went in, they were sleeping.
I walked over to Papa shook him slightly.

"Papa?" I whispered.
He opened his eyes and sat up.

"Yes pumpkin?" He said getting out of bed.

"How does the shower work?" I asked kinda embarrassed.

He smiled, "It's okay, I'll show ya."
We went to the bathroom and he showed me.
"Alrighty, towels and wash rags are in this drawer okay?" He said part the drawer beneath the shelf.
"Thank you Papa."

"No problem, also your dirty clothes go in the basket in the corner."

I nodded and he left, shutting the door behind him.

I took a shower and all that fun stuff.

I left with a towel wrapped around me and ran to my room.

I put on my Batman shirt and black Jeans, I don't have boobs so I don't wear bras.
I put on my converse sneakers as well.

I grabbed my board and left a note saying I was outside playing with a friend and that I would be back before dark.

I don't eat really, not much of a hungry person.

I started skating again when I saw Ollie.
"Hey!" She said running up to me with her board.

"There's an old skateboard park in the woods. It's pretty fun, nobody uses it really." She said nodding towards the woods about a half of a mile away.

"Alrighty let's start walking!" I laughed, we hopped on our boards and rode to the entrance.

We started walking to the park.
When we got there I starred in awe.
It was beautiful.
We rode around and I learned a few tricks.
Ollie went down a slope and fell, but not too hard.
We laughed it off and I helped her up.

We had so much fun I worked up a sweat and we finally decided to go back to my place to get my other board.

We got back to my house and I saw Dad cutting grass.
I told Ollie to wait in the driveway and I rans inside to get my other board.

I ran back out and showed Ollie, we held it and we tried a few tricks in the driveway. I tried to do an ollie and fell.
I laughed and got up.
We skated around the neighborhood and even went back to the skate park.

After skating at the park for a bit I sat down.
Ollie skated up and sat next to me.

"Hey can I as you something?" She said as she put the board beside her.

"Sure!" I said looking into her eyes.

"What's your sexuality?" She asked glancing at the trees.

"I'm not sure, maybe I'm Pansexual."

"YO saame!" She laughed and we hugged.

"Yeah, my dads are bi, I just got here yesterday." I said standing back up.

We walked and talked all the way back to my house. We sat on the porch steps and talked until I heard the door open behind us.
Papa sat in the rocking chair drinking some coffee.

"Hello Rose, Hello Rose's friend." He smiled looking out at the freshly cut yard.

"Hi sir, I'm Ollie."

"Hi Ollie, I'm Rose's dad."

Dad came out too and sat next to Papa.

"Oh, so is this your little friend Rose?" Dad asked ruffling my dirty blonde hair.
I laughed and pushes his hand away.

Home Is Where I go (Adopted by Terroriser and Daithi De Nogla)Where stories live. Discover now