Chapter 3

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(Sorry, idk why there's 3 chapter 3s. It won't show up when I edit it. Wattpad is glitchy)
Rose's POV

I woke up the next morning and took a shower.

I heard Dad at the door.

"No she's grounded, sorry." He said shutting the door.

I went downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee.

Dad came into the kitchen and ruffled my hair.

"Today we gotta go get school stuff. So be ready in a hour."

"Do I get to pick my clothes?" I asked drinking my last swallow.

"Of course dear."

After an hour Dad grabbed his keys and we went to to Walmart.

I got the usual bookbag and stuff, I'm going to the 7th grade so I guess that's new.

He took me to the girl's section

"Alrighty.." He said looking at the tag on my shirt. "You're a small. So go ham." He chuckled.

I nodded and went to the boy's section.

He gave me a weird look and followed.
I got some Minecraft shirts, and jeans. Afterwards I got some Batman Tidey Whiteys.
I asked Dad and he agreed and let me put all of that in the cart.

I went looking around some more when he whispered for me to come here.

"Hey do you need a bra?"

I shook my head no.

"They haven't developed, I have alot of testosterone in my body." I whispered proudly.

He nodded. "Pads, tampons?"

"No, can't have those either."

He nodded and we checked out.

We headed back out to the parking lot.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"No, I'm not ever really hungry."

"That's not normal dear, I need to schedule an appointment with a pediatrician."

"It's normal, It's been like this for years." I laughed.

"No, no not good." He said pulling in the parking lot of dairy queen.

"Well, you're getting dairy queen. Ice cream here is fucking good." He laughed.

He got a cone and I got a Chocolate fudge Sunday.

When we got home Dad called a pediatrician.

Papa was recording a video downstairs in the basement. 
As dad was on the phone, I took my new skateboard and headed out.

I skated at the old park for a bit.

Brian's POV

I got off the phone with the pediatrician. Rose was upstairs in her room.

David was downstairs streaming.

I decided to wash the new clothes we got today, to get all of the chemicals out.

I headed up to Rose's room, knocked on the wall.

"I'm coming in."
I went in and to my surprise she wasn't there. She was probably with David, oh well, I grabbed the clothes and brought them down to the basement.
I went to the washer, trying to be quite so I didn't disturb the stream.

She wasn't down there.
I put the clothes in the wash and headed back upstairs.

I went outside to the driveway and looked on the road. She wasn't there either.

Home Is Where I go (Adopted by Terroriser and Daithi De Nogla)Where stories live. Discover now