Disappearing to bleary and bleeding-

443 9 12

Army, Aloha, and Skull sat in the room Mask was forced to stay in the unconscious state here in this horrible white hospital, eyes scanning the poor sight in front of him. Machines were hooked up to him. Heart monitors, IVs, this machine they called a mechanical ventilator... Everything. He'd suffered organ failure, internal bleeding had quickly started as well. Bandages were wrapped oh so neatly across his legs and some on his arms except for where the wires and such connected to his body.

Poor Masky was suffering here, and we couldn't do anything about it.

We, being all the S4 and team cyan. There were so many people concerned for him that we had to take turns to see him all the time. The flowers all across his side table and one little lollipop were just to signify to Mask if he ever woke up that we were all here for him. So many colours that we all picked for him to wake to.
Pretty sure there was a bit of yaoi there too for the gamer to enjoy, gifted by team cyan.

Aloha felt his eyes want to cry again as he kinda thought more about how serious this whole situation had become. Mask, unconscious for possibly forever. The S4 possibly going to have to disband from being so heartbroken. He felt his eyes water before just slugging into his chair to look at the cyan mess in front of him a little more. His throat made him cough as he tried to hold back his cries to not wake any of his loves.

Skull, the all hearing E-liter looked up a moment before hugging Aloha up to his chest like a teddy bear. He let out a soft hushing breath and sighed, also glancing over to the hospital bed that hold a fragile being. His eyes forced back tears as he gave a kiss to the pink inkling's forehead to earn a soft whine in reply. Then more deafening sounds of a heart monitor, brief breaths, and whatever odd shift occurred. 
"The doctor said he'd have slim chances, right?"
He suddenly asked, darkness radiating a scary aura from his deep voice.

Aloha said nothing before softly whispering in reply to Skull's question, grasping the other's strong arm to keep himself from crying in anguish from the truth.
"Y-Yes but.. They think he'll live-I-I think..."
He whimpered out, sniffling as he felt Skull's hand just gently wipe away his vibrant tears. The tears were about all that was left of his colour, the lovely pink being replaced by a warm gray. Of course, Aloha wasn't the only one dealing with so much sadness at once colour was gone. All the S4 were now grays of their original selves, Army's flame faded to a gray charcoal, Aloha's Foraminifera shells cracked and dulled, while the Royal purple of Skull had dulled as his castle break apart. They're all messes for this poor sick child.
"I-I really ho-ope he comes back- I-want him to kn-know we-"

Skull kept softly hushing the poor soul in his arms before he woke their small candle from his slumber, softening the cries as he nodded whispering soft comforts of 'I know.' Army awoke now despite this and with his dull eyes just tiredly nuzzled into Aloha and Skull to whimper a soft 'go to sleep.' Aloha sniffled and looked to Skull for one more moment of confirmation, grabbing the soft cheek of the other to make sure attention was for him just for a little longer

"I know..."

I know..

No matter how many times he just choked himself with no response from the strings, he was not raised up and kept falling to the darkest depths of this void. He heard cries sometimes, echoing from around him. Some kind of beeping at a rhythmic pace. It soothed him oddly enough, but then as another cry sounded he just started yanking at his noose like elastics to free himself, kill himself, maybe-

Suddenly, the falling went sideways a moment before he began falling again, stomach flipping as he breathe heavily and in panic flail about. His neck tightened as he fell from habit and he began to try screaming for help, earning a croak to escape him. And he kept trying to scream but nothing came out so he tried once more for the ropes to cut in his neck. So he began squirming and that rope was just brushing to rubbing to roughing to stuffing in every bit of air he had left to say-


Skull could've sworn as the heart monitor sped up and the nurses had to just regulate Mask's breathing, there was just a little moment of speech. He didn't know if he was just hearing things out of desperation, but he just whispered out as if in response to the plea he heard.
"We're trying, love... We love you so much.."

And so the staff just regulated the breathing of the flower before leaving. Skull just gave one more glance to that bloodied, freckled face before just laying his head down on the chairs with his other boyfriends. Even if Mask didn't know it, Skull did know. He loved them just as much as they loved him. Such a lovely thought and wish, waiting to be heard hopefully by someone who cares. Skull heard him crying sometimes. Skull listened to make sure he was fine. Skull heard him whine 'they'll never love me'

They loved him, though.
very, very much.

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