Right out of view...

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Eventually, I think it was too dark to tell if it was really night.
Eventually, I think I stopped caring really if I were to find your faces again since I'm dying.
I think you could already tell I was an absolute fool with those blurred smiles.
I can feel the hatred covering me in choking realization.
You just pretended to care.

Mask felt nothing left in him to continue breathing in the choking air, slowly just shutting his eyes. Though, he felt things he never noticed before during the time he had been here. Maybe days? Weeks? While yes, he was aware he was practically just a puppet for his brain to play with, he felt strings deep in his arms. Or were they strings? It was too dark to see really, but there was just a very brief sense that Mask had that these were not more things to rip him apart with.

Despite the glory his brain had over him, he was still here. His brain tricked him to do what he did out of desperation and here he was, listening to his own muffled breaths that were beginning to stop and possible slow rhythmic beeping. Whatever could they be? He couldn't tell anymore if these were more things his brain planned to use to make him upset or real things he was hearing.

Sometimes his brain was funny like that.

Mask closed his eyes and let himself continue falling, closing his eyes and sighing softly until suddenly struggling to breathe back in, eyes widening as he cough, sputter, panic. He never had been wearing his mask in the void, so why did he feel something around his head, over his mouth and nose? Wires and tubes, that's what they were! All over his arms, his chest. His panic was suffocating him as he saw these things, seeing all the pain and such as he continues to choke.

He tried to cry for help somehow, but his voice was nowhere to be found like always. The panic continued to make him pant in fear and suddenly he opened his eyes for a few seconds, seeing the briefest of colours. Doctors? Panicking like him? He glanced to the side to see a few dulled colours in the corner behind one. He couldn't get enough details before he found himself dying in the void once again. His world. Gone like that. Again. 

Mask began weeping again, letting himself fall as the strings stop being tight around his neck. He cried to himself about how much of a mistake this was. How much of a mistake he was. His tears poured down and dripped. He however though thought about how much he wanted to see his friends again. His crushes. Why did he have to leave them like this?


We woke up suddenly I believe...
Roughly... 4 AM perhaps?

Army's eyes shot open at the sudden noise of the heart monitor beeping longly throughout the room and doctors rushing into the room, his orange eyes concerned. He wriggled in his two boyfriend's grasp and reached for Mask, whining like a child. The others woke up as well and looked nervously to the cyan child. CPR was performed, beeping became softer. However, something nice came out of the sudden sign Mask nearly died.

He opened his eyes. He coughed, the fear in them absolutely horrible to look at.

But he opened his eyes.

He got out of his coma.

for five seconds.

I think I even saw him look at us.

Colour bloomed in all of our tentacles as we saw his cyan eyes glance at us, a new hope found in us as we all gasp. Though, Army knew this was far from done and needed to ask the doctors. So, he stood up out of his boyfriend's arms despite their protests and sighed, walking up to the doctors in the room and asking nervously;
"Is he doing okay?"

The doctors turned to Army and nodded, the female inkling looking away a bit before sighing. Army was hoping for more good news but found that the oasis had dried up already.
"While we know he can get out of his coma..."
She trailed off and looked at the poor soul laying on the hospital bed.
"Brain damage is probably going to happen, and that's not taking into account the fact he might have more seizures like he had before we got him stable."

Army froze, hands going into fists. He teared up a little, holding himself back from crying about this and nodding. He looked up a bit to silently ask for more news, begging and praying for something, surely? The doctor scratched the back of her head nervously before going into more details.
"He might... lose his speech and movement, hearing and vision o-or in a worse case, his memory."
She murmured, not too happy with the results herself.
"But we're going to try and stop that from happening, okay Mister Army?"

Army stayed quiet as he whispers a very soft  'okay, thank you', walking back to his boyfriends to sulk. The two had heard some bits of it and were upset again, the colour that once bloomed in their tentacles dulling back to familiar hues of warm greys. Horrible news sprinkled in with the lovely hope they had once was making their current depression harder. They just snuggled and felt urges to cry.

So they did.

Every drop of tears hit their broken hearts hard. Army cried into Aloha's shoulder, curled up in a ball. Aloha cried into his hands, leaned against Skull's chest. Skull cried very silently, curled up around his two bleeding hearts tightly. If only the purple rose could fix the blue one's problems so the garden was complete.

A bright orange rose died however and grew back as a rare orange bleeding heart.

A light pink rose died however and grew back as a vibrant pink bleeding heart.

And now that purple rose was close to turning to a white bleeding heart.

The garden would no longer have a showcase of strong roses. The garden would show off its bleeding hearts and no longer get weeded. Maybe the weeds could kill the bleeding hearts and make an empty flower pot?

Oh, dear lovely blue rose, please stop wilting in the back of the garden.

The weeds shouldn't be getting to you and ruining your beauty.

Oh, dear lovely blue rose...

The garden will not be the same without your beautiful petals...

Please don't rot away like the autumn leaves.
Please don't leave us to rot away like the autumn leaves.

Why can't I just die?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora