10 Days

30 0 0

Hey, baby.

Hi, ugh, I missed your voice. I miss your face. Come up to see me.

I can't I have a shit ton of homework. Practice here is crazy too. I'm on my way there now.

How are you with the team? Still hazing you?

It's dying down, but I thought I would be done with basketball after high school.

You don't like it?

Baby it's basketball. It's just a game. It was fun in high school, but it's real in college. It's like a career choice here.

Don't you want that option open?

I don't know. I feel so overwhelmed here I can't even think about all that. Never mind. Tell me about you. How's school up there?

I just miss you all the time. Is that clingy of me?

Yes. But I like it.

Stop laughing I feel like a loser. Say you miss me too or something.

Hmm. What are you wearing right now?


What?? I just wanna know if you're warm up there.


Babe you know me.

I know you're a pervert.

I miss you.

Come see me soon.

I will. I have practice now. I love you.

I love you too. Bye.

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