136 Days

7 0 0


Anna... I'm sorry.

Derek don't be. You have nothing to be sorry about.

No I do. I was being very harsh. I was really upset I shouldn't have lashed out at you. I ... I really want to see you. It's been almost a month. I don't know how we let time get between us like that-

Derek, listen.


You were right. About before. I was ignoring you...


I would see your name pop up on my phone and for some reason I just wouldn't want to respond. We're so quick to fighting I don't know how I am anymore with you.

No wait-

No. Don't try to defend me or whatever. Long distance is hard. We both were naive and so in love when we started school. I just don't feel the same anymore.

So what you're telling me is that you don't love me anymore.

It's not like that. .. I.. I'm just not in love with you anymore.

Fuck me.


They Break Up in the EndWhere stories live. Discover now