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It was currently 6:32, the sun's dim dawn lights peeked through the boy's cracked blinds, pouring onto the cold wooden floor, barely missing the bed which he slept upon like a log. Not for long. The sudden notification from his new phone, that he had gotten just a day before, startled him. He felt as if he had nearly had a heart attack. It was evident from his eye bags that he had been staying up late for a few days now watching the live tournament of the ever so famous champion of Galar and his very well known rival. He slowly reached out to his night stand where his phone rested on it's screen. Flipping the device over, the phone's sudden bright light blinded him. He winced as he turned his brightness down, his eyes managing to adjust to it; he finally read that he had a message from his dear friend, Hop. They had been friends for quite some time now, and had been neighbors for as long as he could remember. 'Wake up mate! Today's the day!!!' Another message popping up, 'Seriously wake up right now or I'll have no choice but to bust into that house.' A light smile made it's way to Victor's face as he read the most recent message. 'Hop, are you blind?! What is wrong with you? Can you PLEASE check the time?'
A second or two passed by before Hop was already typing back. 'The first thing I did was check the time-'
Victor groaned. He wasn't much of a morning person, his friend on the other hand, obviously was, and overly eager at that. 'Oh my gosh, Hop. Why do you have to wake up so early?! Why are you a morning person and an early riser. I don't get it. An odd block you are.' He removed his phone from it's outlet, plopping it down onto his chest as he laid out on the bed putting his arms out lazily. "Jesus, Hop..." A weary Victor mumbled to himself as he closed his eyes finding himself starting to drift off to sleep once again. However his peaceful moment ended as the phone vibrated, as well as making an obnoxious 'ding' noise. 'Oh come on Victor!! Don't be such a grumpy stick-in-the-mud! Listen, since you're my bud and I'm NICE, I'll let you sleep :) but I'm dropping in later on to get your bum outside' Victor sighed to himself. He didn't bother to put his phone back on the nightstand, he simply slept like that and hoped he wouldn't somehow crack the screen in his sleep.


"Victor!" His mum's voice echoed through the small highway finding a way into his room through the creaked door. He mumbled a very light response, which his mum, of course, couldn't hear. "Victoorr!" Her sweet voice began to get louder as her footsteps neared his room. Once she laid her eyes on her small baby boy she smiled. She however didn't hesitate to wake up the sleeping boy. She sat down at the foot of his bed, shaking his leg in an attempt to wake him up. Having failed she stood up moving over near the headboard to softly strok his messy brown locks. "Victor, wake up. It's a quarter 'till ten." The boy stirred, wrinkling his nose at the touch of his mum. He opened one eye, a smile forming on his face.

"Okay finee... I'll get up." He uttered into his pillow. His mom nodded, making her way back out of his room. "In five more minutes," He smiled smugly to himself as he was enjoying lazing around his bed.

Victor had gotten up at last in a matter of a few minutes. He sluggishly made his way to the dining table where his mom already sat with a plate littered with eggs and bacon, and two pancakes stacked on top of each other. A plate across from her looked the exact same way. Victor's bright, starry eyes could've replaced the night sky itself. The boy hastily sat down at the kitchen table digging into the mouth-watering pancakes his mum had made. "Thanks Mum!" He said with a mouthful of pancake. His mom slightly cringed at the sight, but gave her son a smile.

"No problem, honey." The fork gently slapping the glass plate was the only sound in the kitchen until his mom began, "Say..." she trailed off, catching the attention of her son who looked up at her, "have you been staying up late?" She pointed at him with her fork that had a piece of egg on it.

Victor choked on his pancake at the question, "O–of course not!" He tried avoiding any additional questions by stuffing his mouth with eggs and bacon. Surely if he couldn't talk he couldn't answer the question. His mom squinted an eye at the panicking boy.

"You have eye bags.." She mumbled. "And–"

"Good morning mates!" A tanned boy burst through with the brightest smile to ever exist. Even a thousand suns couldn't outshine that smile of his. Victor's mom let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh, good morning sweetie, what a pleasant surprise." The attention was instantly now on the ball of sunshine. "Would you like to join us for breakfast? Maybe bring some breakfast to your mum? Oh how is Emily?" She eagerly asked the lean boy.

"Oh, it looks delicious, but no thank you, would you like me to, and she's doing fine!" The fact that he answered all her questions in one sentence made her laugh. Normally when asked multiple questions at once the person being bombarded only answers one question ignoring the rest.

"Well that's good to hear. I assume you're here for Victor?" His mum smiled.

"If you don't mind." Hop grinned, his eyes landing on the boy.

"Go ahead and have fun you two." She obliged the two boys.

Hop looked like a kid who just got told he could go outside in the rain. "Thank you!"

Victor couldn't help but smile at how the simplest of things could make Hop so happy. "Let me grab my beanie," Victor told him disappearing into his room. He rummaged through his drawer for a few minutes before he found his beanie, sloppily placing it on his head(hiding his very messy hair). "Okay ready! Where are we going?"

"Let's go!" Hop shouted. Without a second thought he grabbed onto his friend's wrist, pulling him out of the house and dashing down the dirt pavement road that lead to the quiet and peaceful street of Postwick.

At the time they arrived at the train station they were greeted by the cheers of happy people who all gathered around a certain someone. Hop's hand slipped down into Victor's own hand. "Leon!" He beamed as he slipped through the crowd to greet his brother, pulling his friend along with him.

Leon's grin widened, his eyes finally falling onto a familiar lock of purple hair. "Hey, bud," he very roughly ruffled his little brother's hair. "Thank for picking me up," he said genuinely, "but I think as the champion I'm very much capable of taking care of myself," Hop swatted his hand away giving a snarky smirk.

"Pfft, as if. Race ya' home?"

"You're on little dude, ready, go!" Leon sprinted off leaving Hop in the dust. Hop was standing there staring at Victor who had still had his hand almost intertwined with his.

"S–sorry— you just didn't let go and I was going to let go, but you kept pulling me to different places a–and," Hop cut him off, offering him a sincere smile.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sorry I held your hand." Victor's hand slowly slipped away, a strange feeling lingering in his palm. It was like the feeling of Hop's soft hand was still in his. Hop sighed happily, "Well, Leon obviously beat me." The tanned boy placed his hands behind his head, slowly beginning to walk back to his house with Victor following close behind. "Let's just walk home, yeah?"

Victor smiled at his friend. "Yeah." Silence fell on the two until Victor remembered waking up at 6 in the morning. "Oh can you not text me at 6 in the morning?" He asked with a half grin on.

Hop laughed but nodded.

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