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The two boys had experienced so many things in a short amount of days. A curious Wooloo had gone into the forbidden forest, they found a strange pokemon that seemed transparent and couldn't beat, they found wishing stars, they got endorsed and their teams had changed ever so slightly. Victor now had an energetic Zigzagzoon, meanwhile, Hop had caught a Rokidee.

Victor was now currently sitting across his bestfriend who was scrolling through his phone with a weary smile. Victor couldn't help but glance up at him every so often trying oh so hard to see if maybe he could see the reflection of his phone in his eyes. He was trying a bit too hard. Hop was quick to notice the odd amount of staring that his smaller friend was doing. "You okay there, Vic?" A light shade of rosy pink crawled up to his cheeks as Victor leaned back in his seat realizing only now that he was leaning over the small table in front of them.

"Y-yeah, yeah! Sorry.." he uttered with a low chuckle.

Hop chuckled at his friend's cute stutter. Hop mentally scolded himself at that moment. "I.. I'm watching videos of pokemon battles." The tanned boy slid over to the other portion of the seat so he was now agaisnt the window, "Want to watch?" He asked, offering an earbud. Victory gave a shy smile before accepting his offer and sitting next to his rival.

"You really like pokemon battles, don't you?" Victor asked, sitting down next to Hop who was intently watching the video.

"Yeah! I want to be the best.." Hop told his friend who slipped the earbud in joining in on the watching of the video.

"You're going to get there one day, Hop." Victor supported him almost awkwardly patting his back. He meant it but touching him was weird. To Victor at least.

Hop's shoulders dropped and it fell silent momentarily. "I.. I don't know." Hop didn't pause the video but his attention was now on Victor. "I think you're going to be the best." The brown-haired boy removed his hand from his back. "I mean come on. You've never had a pokemon battle in your life, yet you somehow beat me with a 2 on 1." Hop explained with his voice staggering a bit. His normally happy voice turned to a dull one.

Victor shook his head furiously, "No, no! Hop come on. That was beginner's luck! It had to be." The small boy threw his hands in the air gesturing to the boy that he was crazy to think such things. "I just started."

Hop's dull tone let up as he laughed at his friend's reaction. "That's the thing. You just started." He paused the video, pulling on the earbud's cord, taking out the one earbud Victor's ear and the one in his. "Yet, you're already.. amazing."

Victor sighed. "Hop, stop it. You can't say that based off only a few battles."

Hop slipped his phone into his pocket, turning his body so his knee brushed against his friend's. "No! That's the thing. It's not just in pokemon battles. You're- you're in general amazing. You're so caring and nice-" Hop continued with his small rant on how amazing his friend was, but it seemed to be drowned out by Victor's own thoughts. 'Is he going to confess to me?! What?! No, no, surely I'm reading this all wrong. Or.. am I? If it is a confession what do I do?! He's been my best friend since we were little!! I'm not gay! I can't.. be..gay. Bi maybe? Recently he has been making me feel all weird. I don't really get it but it feels kind of nice?' Hop finally stopped talking, staring at him, locking his yellow orbs with Victor's brown ones. Victor felt Hop edge closer to him. Victor was so overwhelmed by all the thoughts running through his mind. Suddenly; Hop embraced him into a tight hug. Victor's chin rested on the crook of his shoulder as he very hesitantly rubbed his back. "You're such a great friend, Vic." Victor felt that even his ears were red from embarrassment. "Thanks for everything."

Victor almost wanted to laugh at how much he was freaking out. "No problem. What are bestfriends for?"

Hop tightened his grasp on Victor's red sweater, squeezing it before letting his arms slip away from him noticing the 50 shades of red his rival was. "Are you alright?" Victor nodded.

"I just-"

Hop placed a hand on his forehead, his eyes widened. "Goodness you're hot. Maybe you have a fever.. I don't have any medicine. Just rest and I'll get you some cold water, okay?"

"Wait Hop, I'm fine-" Hop slung his bag on the table reaching it, taking out a water bottle that was ice cold. He handed him the bottle with a worried expression. "How is this so cold?!"

"Go to sleep." Hop ordered the boy. Victor sighed. He really could not overreact like that again. He glanced up at Hop who returned the glance. They exchanged a smile. Hop was just his friend- bestfriend since they were wee little children. He was the best friend anyone could ask for; he was more than happy to have someone as amazing as him as a bestfriend. Just a friend. His smile widened with the thought of Hop on his mind. He closed his eyes, resting his head on the cushiony seat he has his back against. A few minutes later he was caught in a dream that had him mumbling and somewhat whimpering. Hop fixated his gaze on Victor as he whimpered. He contemplated on whether he should wake him up or not, but before he could come to any decision Victor curled up next to him, snaking his arm around him, and resting his head on his shoulder. Blood rushed to Hop's face as he felt the boy's calm breathing on his neck. He won't deny that he enjoyed the closeness they were having right now. Nor would he actually admit it to anyone out loud. He'd only ever admit to himself.

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