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Victor tossed around in his small sleeping bag, making a somewhat crinkling sound with the fabric. He turned to his left, his sleepy eyes falling onto his new small fire pokemom curled up in a ball. "Poor thing," he mumbled. He sat up, softly and gently trying to put the small pokemon into his arms. Unfortunately it woke up, curious as to why it was in its trainers arms, but happy nonetheless. As if she wasn't just in deep sleep it began wagging her tail and hopped onto her trainer.

Victor fell down whilst groaning due to how tired he was. Hop bursting in the tent was exactly helpful either. "Wake up mate!" Hop smiled at the Victor on the ground.

Victor groaned once more realizing this would probably be what the rest of his journey would be like. He didn't like waking up early. Plus, loud noises in the morning bugged him. Though, he guess he would put up with it, only for his best friend. All in all, despite not being a morning person, he might come to be with if Hop was there every morning to wake him up. "Seriously? It's early, isn't it?" Victor asked whilst softly stroking Vulpix's fluffy fur.

Hop nodded with that smile plastered on his face at this point. Must hurt to smile to much. Victor thought to himself as he found himself examining Hop as if Hop wasn't aware. Then again, that happy go-to attitude and idiotic smile is what I like so much about him. Victor noticed how Hop's expression changed to a softer smile. "That's sweet."

Victor laughed a tad, "What?"

"What you said," Hop said before heading out of the tent. Victor slipped the pokemon off of him walking out after him, asking him what he said. "You said that you like my attitude, and my stupid smile, which I take as a compliment." Hop's smile never faded as he spoke, it only widened. Victor stopped in his tracks.

"Oh Arceus, I said that?" Hop yelled a 'yep' in response as he headed back to his tent to take it down and get ready for the journey to Hammerlocke. Victor mumbled to himself as he did the same as Hop. Before taking the tent down Victor got into his usual fit. When he was finally changing and dressing up, he made his way to a nearby tree where Hop was playing with his pokemon.

"Took ya' long enough," Hop said teasingly as he stood up, and placed his pokemon back into their pokéballs.

Victor scoffed lightly, yet a smile rested on his face, "You woke up before me soo.. that doesn't count."
Hop only laughed as they made their way to Hammerlocke. The huge gates was in the distance which made Hop all the more eager. Since he was a kid he dreamt of going out to explore the world. "I still need to get that gross picture of you." Victor commented, keeping his eyes ahead of him.

Hop smiled at that, "Just take a picture now." Victor was about to say something when Hop suddenly had an idea. "Hey!" Hop haulted, slipping his phone out of his pocket, he began to tap something. A bing was then heard in Victor's pocket.

"Wha–" Victor grabbed his phone, seeing a notification from Hop.

"I sent you the picture I took last night!" Hop then snatched the phone quicker than his friend could react. A few seconds later he gave the phone back. "There."

"What did you–" Victor looked at the lock screen. It was, of course, the picture Hop took last night. Despite the fact that he didn't exactly liked how dorky he looked in that picture, he still smiled at the screen. "But–" Hop then shoved his phone in his face.

"It's my lockscreen too." They finally started walking again.

I guess this is normal. He never once made me his lock screen until now. I feel like this is something that couples do, sure, I mean best friends could do it, but I feel like it's more commonly girls who do this stuff. Am I wrong?

Victor looked up at Hop. Hop realized his friend's eyes on him, exchanging a gaze. Victor smiled up at him, Hop smiling back then turning back.

"Are you excited?"

Victor wouldn't admit that his palms were sweaty. "A tad nervous."

"Well don't worry." Hop grinned that signature grin. "You have me with you! I'll be with you every step of the way. What are mates for?"
Hop swooped his hand down, taking Victor's hand in his and giving it a small squeeze. Victor looked down at his hand, then back at Hop, a light blush tinting his cheek.


Hop let Victor's hand slip out of his hand. "Sorry, what that weird?"

Victor wanted to say something, he wanted to say how oddly it wasn't weird at all, how he didnt mind whatsoever, but just shook his head.


Srry for grammar mistakes💕
- stay safe

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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