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The boy's peaceful dream was abruptly ended when the train came to a breaking halt. Hop was forced to lean forward causing him to hold his friend up who was still half asleep. He woke up as if the world crumbled underneath his very feet. "Holy-" He frantically scanned the area calming down realizing Hop was right beside him. "Hop, Hop what's happening?! Why-" The panicked boy looked down at his feet where there was a solid surface.

Hop laughed, "Calm down, mate!" He ruffled his hair, slipping the beanie off the boy's head. He stood up stretching, purposefully hitting Victor. "We stopped."

Victor instantly stood up, all panic leaving him, "We're here!" He smiled, standing up and roughly pushing his older rival. Hop smiled chasing after him.

"Hey wait up!" Hop and Victor stepped out into nature. Something Victor wasn't expecting. A wave of confusion washed over Victor, "You didn't let me tell you that our bus was stopped by some Wooloo." Victor thought for a minute before a small smile appeared on his face.

"Well, it's a nice place to train I suppose," Victor said before turning to Hop who nodded in agreement. "Hey Hop, want to train with me?" Victor looked at him with a glimmer of hope shining in his eye.

"Of course." Hop gave him his signature grin before they both headed off into the wild area. They were instantly greeted by hoards of pokemon. Multiple pokemon cries could be heard. Everywhere they turned they saw pokemon in the wild just enjoying themselves. Victor was completely flabbergasted by all the wild pokemon, pokemon he never knew even existed. The first pokemon he encountered was the small fox pokemon, Vulpix. He was completely taken away by the cuteness of the pokemon and decided he had to add the small pokemon to his team. Hop and Victor had both already set up right next to one another. The brown-haired boy ran to Hop who was playing with his pokemon inside his tent. Before doing this however they had both spent the day doing whatever.

"Hop, Hop!" He held the vulpix out with his hands, "Look! I caught a Vulpix!" They also had gotten a pokedex from Sonia who also saw them off into the wild area.

Hop smiled at Victor, "Good job Victor. Hey, wanna battle?" Victor smirked heading out the tent, simply his smirk saying all he had to say. "This is what I like about you, Victor." He smirked calling out his Wooloo.

"I know. You went on a whole rant on the bus." Victor laughed. Hop went red at that comment. On the bus, he wasn't so bothered while saying all that stuff. Now it seemed silly. He wanted to say something other than that but ended up wussing out and going on a whole rant trying to save himself. Their battle ended up with Victor winning without a single pokemon fainting. Hop was bummed but didn't let it entirely ruin his mood. "Thanks. My pokemon got some nice experience out of that." Victor offered a smile. Hop returned the smile halfheartedly. "How does curry sound? As a thank you for the battle?"

Hop let out a playful scoff as he sat down by his tent with Victor, "You don't have to thank me for a battle. I'll battle you whenever. Curry does sound nice though. I'm beat." Before they had battled they spent all day exploring the wild area and were pretty tired out. "I'll help," Hop told his friend. He wandered around the area quickly finding small sticks and branches to light a fire.  

Hop dropped the sticks under a pot that Victor had placed. How he carried it around in a backpack was unknown. "You know how to cook?" Victor asked as he put berries he had picked from nearby trees into the pot. He then grabbed a red curry paste. His mom had packed him with several since she knew he would be spending most of his time out in the wild, on different routes with no inn, and would have to find some way to rest his weary body. 

Hop nodded as he then slung his bag over to the floor where he was kneeling, stuffing his hand in searching for a pack of potatoes that he had bought from a random trainer that day. He found the pack, opening it and placing it into the pot. "Yeah, I would always cook for my brother." 

"Aww, that's so sweet." Victor smiled at his friend. Turning away, he lit fire to the sticks with ease since before he would always go camping with his dad.

Hop smiled at the early memories he had. "Yeah.. I remember, whenever Leon came back after a while I would get really excited and help my mom cook. She always let me do most of the work because she knew how much I love it." A small silence lingered before he spoke again. "Then he stopped visiting so frequently." He explained. 

Victor nodded. They stirred the pot together after setting a decent sized fire to the sticks resting below the pot. "At least you saw him every now and then." Hop nodded in agreement as they continued to stir until they thought it was ready. Hop then grabbed several bowls out of his bag to serve it to their pokemon and to serve themselves. 

They poured the curry into their pokemon's bowls. They all enjoyed the sweet potato curry they received and were very energized after eating. They all ran around, racing and playing with each other. Hop gazed at their pokemon as they played. Sobble playfully nuzzling into Grookey. Hop couldn't help but give Victor a quick glance. Sometimes he wanted to nuzzle into him like that. It was a weird thing to want, yet Hop couldn't shake off that desire sometimes. Victor turned to look at Hop who instantly look away, his cheeks beginning to burn a bright red from being caught. Victor laughed at him. "Take a picture, it'll–" Hop slipped his phone out of his pocket.

"Say cheese," Victor's mouth only hung open for a few seconds before he looked away and shook his head. "What? You told me to take a picture." Hop smiled at the fact that he turned this around on Victor. "Come on, your smile is surprisingly pretty for a guy."

Both of their faces was red now. "What.?" Victor asked.

"No–nothing! Let's just take a picture you doofus," Hop put his arm over his shoulder, brought him closer to him and squeezed his face with his hand, snapping the picture.

"God that sucks! Get rid of that!" Victor reach for the phone in Hop's hand. Hop held it behind him so that the boy wouldn't reach it unless he stood up. "Hop! Delete it."

"Pfft, you sound like a girl." Hop laughed at his friend who already gave up.

"Fine whatever." Victor huffed out. "I get to take a gross picture of you now."

Hop rolled his eyes but smiled, "Okay, fine, deal."

♡♡ a/n - sorry for being so inactive, just been working on a few things, and sometimes I just suddenly lose motivation to write, and school work has been stressful yk? Just the fact that there's so much, but anyways, I reread some of it, sorry. So sorry for any grammar/spelling errors you saw. Stay safe!! ♡♡

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