Chapter 3

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[A/N: What's up y'all, the update is like suuuper late, I know. I'm going through some shit in my life atm so yeah, it be like that sometimes. I'm sorry. (Jk, I'm not, I'm a big bitch)

But honestly, I logged into wattpad after like a month or so and it really surprised me that so many of you like this (thank you!), so I impulsively wrote this chapter in one go. 

I will try to update more regularly as of now.

Anyway, enjoy~]


When we arrived to the medical room, I was filled with uneasiness. The room was big and didn't offer any privacy whatsoever. It had eight beds lined up in two rows. In the front, there was a counter with cupboards and panels, which were filled with various medicaments as well as equipment.

My scars were throbbing, but I cared for my secret more than I did for anything else. Surprisingly, at that time it had never even crossed my mind that I could open up to those people, that I could actually just tell them. Looking back, I was stupid. But my stupidity was nothing but a result of the environment I grew up in. 

Being independent was kind of my way... or something. When I found out that my own dear brother had betrayed me, the idea of being dependent on someone became utterly disgusting to me. I knew my brother was responsible for the scars, although he never admitted it. And it was all because of my nativity. Because of my belief in 'family', 'friendship' and other crap like that. Now, if I were to choose between death or relying on someone, I would go with the first one without giving it a second thought.

Deep inside I felt that this mindset of mine was flawed, but I never let myself think deeply about it. I was too stubborn to abandon it, even if it meant my destruction. 

Back to reality, I decided I'd use my own supplies to treat the wounds. I wasn't short on money – I made sure of that beforehand. After all, there's always someone in need of a bodyguard or a mercenary, which, on this floor, still didn't pose a challenge for me.

"I'm feeling fine, so I can help with the treatment," Dann offered.

"Yeah, I'm alright too," Miseng piped up direct from behind me.

I turned around, the little girl was watching me somehow carefully. There was a moment of silence between the two of us. I was looking her in the eyes, she didn't waver. She may have been young and all, but she definitely had something in her.

Ehwa broke the silence, "That's nice of you guys."

I threw a glance at her, then turned back to Miseng as if we haven't finished yet, but she was already at the counter, taking out different supplies. She then rushed to me and pulled me to one of the beds.

"Come, I'm the one to blame for your thigh wound."

Well, there goes my plan. But I guess she's got a point. I don't have the right to prohibit other people from acting responsibly. Moreover, in this situation it would have been rude or even suspicious if I declined.

That's why I shrugged, followed her and took a seat, straightening out my leg. The injury was right above my knee, so it was enough for me to tuck up one of the legs to reveal it.

Miseng halted above the wound, examining it closely. Then she reached for a sponge, soaked it disinfectant and murmured a quiet "sorry" before pressing it onto my bloody leg. At that point I turned my attention to Ehwa, who was having her cut treated by Dann. She winced whenever the cloth touched the injury I caused.

That awoke some mild guilt inside of me. I should've been more considerate. After all, everyone has different pain tolerance.

I then had to turn around to let Miseng cleanse the exit orifice. She wasn't very gentle, to be frank. But I don't think she means wrong. She is still very young and I lowkey admired her, even though I barely knew her.

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