Chapter 1

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"You're doing it again, Louis"

"I said stop, Louis, you're  too obvious".

I hear my best friend, Niall, say that constantly. What am I doing wrong?
I was standing with my best friends next to our lockers in high school, until i saw this 'bad boys' gang standing away from us.

I was looking at the best person you could ever see. His long curly hair resting on his shoulders. Oh! What would his hair smell like?? 'Stop it Louis, you're straight' I say to myself.

Oh I get what Nialler meant.. ughh "I'm sorry okay?" I say.

"Well mate at least try to stare at him when no one's looking. It's kinda awkward."

"But come on! My eyes just get stuck at him. It ain't my fault"

"Yeah we've noticed that", my stupid friend Liam says.

"Oh shut up, Liam" was my respond.

This gorgeous boy was Harry Styles, one of the most popular boys at our school. Harry was just standing there, in his tight black jeans, black t-shirt where you can almost see through. Why am I even looking at him? I'm straight.. right?? FUCK I'M LATE FOR CLASS! BUSY STARING AT THIS GORGEOUS HUMAN BEING!


I went back home after an exhausting day.. I threw my bag on the floor the moment I entered the house and ran upstairs cause.. uhmm I don't fucking know why.. I just needed some time alone. I was stopped by my mum who pulled me in for a hug.

"Here's my baby boy, where do you think you're going?" she says. She kisses my hair and she leaves to prepare lunch.

I ran upstairs, I just lay down on my bed and checked my phone.

The next day, Niall, Liam and I headed towards our next class, math, just ew.

We walked past the 'popular group'. To be honest, I tried to keep my eyes on the floor. Uhmm I just couldn't resist a small peek over my shoulder as I walked by him. Harry looked so good, cute, soft, and hot. And his smell.. Why am I even thinking of that?

I closed my eyes and tried to make my brain work again.

There was something about Harry that made me just go crazy about him. His smell, his hair, his voice, his everything!

It was was so weird, so strong feeling making Harry so charming, so irresistible.

I'm 101% sure that Harry is straight. Girls, that will never ever deserve him nor his love, only want his body. I want his love, his heart.


Harry's pov.

"Yeah see you later mate", my friend Zayn says.

I left school and started walking to go home. I just heard some giggling girl groups following me.

I just kept in mind the picture of Louis Tomlinson, a boy at my school. His blue sparkly eyes that look into your soul. He was tiny, but still cute as fuck. He would never talk to me, so why would I ever have the chance with him?

Louis was my childhood best friend. But after some years, we both suddenly started to take distance.


Okay guys. So this was my first ever chapter.

I hope you like it. Please comment and vote. This will mean the world to me.

New chapter coming soon.

I can't post daily so i'll try to post once or twice a week.

Love you all so much♡

~ N.💙

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