Chapter 12

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I didn't expect myself to write 12 chapters tbh, but here I am. I'm proud of myself lol. I hope you like this chapter sooooo ENJOY!

Louis' pov:

"Kids! Which movie do you want to watch today?" Anne shouted.

"I don't know mum. Let Harry or Louis choose." Gemma replied.

Harry and I were still in his bed cuddling.

"Hazza.. Baby let's go downstairs."

"I want to sleeeeep Louuuu."

I kissed his forehead.

"Let's watch a movie then we'll sleep here when the movie is over, okay Haz?"


Harry and I went downstairs with our hands intertwined.

We sat on the couch cuddling.

"Lou and my little bro, usually we sit together on the same couch. Wanna sit with us?" Gemma suggested.

"First, it's Louis not Lou cause I call him Lou. Second, we'll stay together this night on the same couch. Thanks Gemma." Harry said and rolled his eyes at Gemma.

"What Harry wants to say is sorry maybe next time." I said.

"I know my little bro so well. He's always like that."

"Wanna watch Dunkirk?" Anne suggested trying to stop her kids from fighting.

"Yeah sure why not?"

"Lou.. we watched this movie together last time, so wanna watch it again?" Harry whispered to me.

"I don't mind Haz. Whatever you wanna watch, I'll watch it with you."

Harry said, "I love you." while kissing my head.

"Let's turn the lights off and enjoy the movie."

The lights were turned off and Harry and I were together still cuddling on the couch.


"Yeah Haz?"

"What happens if I wake up one day, and I find out that I lost you? I don't know what to do without you."

Harry started tearing up.

"Shhhh Hazza.. I'm here. You will never ever lose me. I'm always here for you, okay?"

"But what if-"

Harry said but I immediately stopped him and pressed my lips against his.

He seemed so scared and worried. I just want to show him that he will never ever lose me.

Our hands were still intertwined and we were cuddling. At first, Harry was nervous cause of the topic. Now, he calmed down a little bit.

I heard a sigh from Haz.

I looked at him and I saw him sleeping.

How can someone look this cute while sleeping? He looks so innocent, cute, adorable, and like a baby.

My baby.

"Hey Louis. Wanna take Harry upstairs? Or you want to sleep here on the couch?" Anne asked.

"Well.. Harry and I will stay here cause he seems tired. Yeah we'll stay here."

"Okay Louis. Gemma and I will go upstairs. Good night and sweet dreams."

"You too, Anne."

Anne came close and kissed Harry's head then my head and whispered," my babies." , then she left and went upstairs.

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