Chapter 32

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3rd person pov:

"kids! dinner is ready!" anne calls.

louis and harry were cuddling in harry's old bed. harry took a 15- minute nap, then anne called.

"babe wake up. anne is calling us." louis said and pecked harry's lips.

"nah. i never said that i wanted to talk to her or even see her."

"baby it's alright. she's still your mum."

"yup a mum that knows what her son loves and refuses to make him do what he loves? lou she just said 'no' . lou how can i.. ugh. she can't do this to me. she knows how much you mean to me. she-"

"let's go downstairs and don't talk to her if you want. just sit with gemma and i."

"i- ugh i hate you for that. fine!" harry said and got up. he held his husband's hand and walked downstairs.

"hey harry." anne said with a smile on her face.

harry didn't even look at her.

"oii baby bro!" gemma said and high fived harry.

"hey gem." he replied.

"harry look at me. i said that for your sake. you are not leaving." anne says.

harry rolled his eyes. "leave me alone." he says and runs upstairs.

louis holds his plate of food and goes upstairs too, to check on his husband.

"haz may i come in?" louis asks softly.

"yeah.." harry replies. he was sitting in his bed, curled up in a ball like shape. "she hates me."

"haz she doesn't hate you. come here babe." louis says and pulls harry in for a hug. "i love youuu. and i brought you your food."

" 'm not hungry."

"you should eat baby. just a little bit, okay?"

"later." harry says and burries his face in louis' neck.

"okay babe. sooo how are you?"

"never been better, lou. what do you think?"

"oi my harold is being sassy.."

"learned from the best. lou.. where's my phone?"

"it's downstairs. i'll get it for you. wait a minute." louis says and leaves the room.


gemma's pov: (oooo that's the 1st time)

i am downstairs, sitting at the table with mum. harry and louis are upstairs. harry is so upset cause of what mum said. i need to help my baby bro, not cause i want his room..


"yeah gem?"


"what do you mean 'why'  ?"

she knew what i meant.

"harry.." i mumbeled.

"he's 17. he's underage. and he is still my baby boy. i don't want to lose him. he needs to stay in england. and travelling with louis? i'm so worried so nope, he's not going."

ohhhhh mum was just worried about harry and that she'll lose him??? omg

"mum listen. first, harry will turn 18 in a few months. second, louis is already 18, so don't worry. and your baby boy will always be your baby. mum, he's almost 18. let him live his life the way he wants to! i know that you're worried and such, but no need to be worried. let him go to america. you'll stay in contact with him, just let him live his life! it's his life, not mine nor yours. harry also loves louis so much and he trusts him. i also trust louis and you should too. please think about it."

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