Chapter 8

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I hope you like this chapter💙💚 Tell me what you think about this chapter at the end of it.. Enjoy!

Harry's pov:

All I could think of was Louis.

I guess I am ready.
I am sure that I'm ready.

Maybe I'm not.

What would people think when they see 2 boys dating?

What would homophobic people say?

What would people do?

Why am I even thinking of this? It will be okay. No one will say anything.

What if they will?

Why am I so nervous?

I shouldn't care about what people think.

"Haz.. Are you okay?"

"Yeah Tommo don't worry about me. I'm just a bit stressed out and lost in my thoughts."

"Harry... You know you can tell me anything, right? I will always be here for you. What are you thinking of? Tell me if you feel like it."

How can someone be this kind?

"Uhmm nothing, Lou. I'm okay."

"You sure?"

"Uhmm maybe. I don't know. Louis?"


"I guess I'm ready."

Louis was sitting on the couch near to me. He turned to me and sat close to me.

"Oh come here Harry."

Louis opened his arms and smiled. I loved him so much. He is so sweet, cute, adorable, kind, and anything anyone would ask for.

His hug was so warm. Usually I hug him cause he's so tiny and smol.

This time, he was so cute and sweet, as if I'm the tiny and smol one.

Then the door bell rang and ruined our moment.

"Hey Tommo it's Nialler and Payno", I hear someone say.

"We'll continue this later Haz."

Louis went to open the door. His hand was on the door knob.

"I love you, Lou." is all I wanted to say.

"I love you even more than you know, Haz."

May I know how can someone be this cute? I love him.

"Well will you open for us, Louis?"

I started giggling and all I said was "Louis open the door."

Louis opened the door to see two boys enter.

"Hello gentlemen!", one of the boys said.

I went to shake their hands.

I said, "I'm Harry."  while shaking their hands.

"Hey Harry. Nice to meet ya. I'm Niall."

"Hey I'm Liam."

"Nice to meet you both."

"Come on, let's sit on the couch."

"Lou- Louis.. Zayn is on his way."

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