Chapter 28

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CHAPTER 28! HAPPY 28TH! before i start writing it.. IT'S 28! i wanna cry.. 28 and 91 are my favourite numbers. and 28 means to us directioners. i have a feeling that this chapter will be good. i hope so. anyways i need to stop talking lmao aaaaand ENJOY!

3rd person pov:

"babe i'm gonna miss you..." harry said and placed his hand on louis' thigh. they were in louis' car.

"i'm gonna miss you even more.." louis said and smiled at his husband.

"so what's your schedule for these 4 days?" harry asked.

"uhmm today.. payno's birthday. tomorrow i'll visit my family. the day after.. i don't know.. probably go out and get all the essentials i need. and the last day.. spend it with you, get ready, and go to the airport.."

"i know that i'm always saying that but.. i'm gonna miss you so fucking much my princess.." harry said with tears in his eyes.

"babe stop crying please. you're gonna make me cry.. i promise that we'll facetime and text every single day. i promise! now please stop crying okay? you are the strongest person i know, and i'm a 101% sure that you can do this, okay?"

harry wiped his tears and mumbled a small "okay".

"soo we're here. let's enjoy today and please don't think about me leaving." louis said and looked at harry.

"okay. let's go." harry said and they both got out of the car.

"damn it's august.. it's supposed to be hot, but i'm a bit cold.." louis said.

"wait.. i'm sure i have something for you to wear in the backseat." harry said and grabbed a jacket from the backseat. "here you go princess."

"i love you.."

"i love you more.. wait what did you get for liam?"

"you'll see." louis smirked. "he'll love it!"

louis and harry stood at the doorstep and knocked on the door.

"who is it?" an irish voice was heard.

"it's the pizza guy." louis said and giggled.

"tommo!! harry!!" niall said and opened the door.

louis and harry entered the house. "so where is liam?"

"taking a shower. he doesn't know that you're coming." niall said and pointed upstairs.


"soo who's here?" louis asked.

"to be honest lads.. i didn't want a lott of people to come, so i invited zayn and gigi.. they are on their way."

louis nodded.

15 minutes later:

zayn and gigi entered the house, holding hands.

"oi oii!!!" louis yelled.

"aww you're dating?" harry asked with a huge smile on his face.

"we'll tell you later." gigi and zayn said in sync. "oh my god babe." zayn said and pecked gigi's lips.

"okay okay we get that you're dating."

"nialll!! i forgot my fucking towel!" liam yelled.

"coming!" niall answered and ran upstairs. "lads hide in the kitchen. it's this way." he said and pointed to a room next to the living room.

Forbidden L.S♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ