Chapter 34

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please read the A/N at the end of the chapter. anyways: ENJOY!

3rd person pov:

harry opened his eyes and saw that louis was still alseep. he wanted to get something to eat. he went to the hotel cafeteria and he got a plate of scrambled eggs with a cup of tea for louis and coffee for himself. he found some fruits and chocolate so he also bought some, too.

harry went to their room. louis was still asleep.

"wake up lou. babe i bought us breakfast."

"mhmm yeah haz.. right there. right there." louis mumbled.

"lou wake up."

louis didn't even move.

"i. said. wake. your. ass. up....... babe." harry said.

"good morning harry.." louis mumbled and yawned.

"what were you dreaming of? you were like 'mhmm yeah haz. right there' ?" harry smirked.

"none of your business. now gimme my food!"

"my princess is hungry?"

"i. said. give. me. the. fooking. food. right. now. or else, your princess will be a sad princess."

harry gave louis his food and kissed his head.

louis frowned.

"what? the food is too cold? the food is so salty? why is my princess frowning?" harry asked.

"you know what you did to her."

"sorry babe. what did i do?"

"you kissed her head.. not her gorgeous little tiny small cute adorable beautiful perfect lips...."

"oh shut up." harry said and pulled louis in for a deep loving kiss. harry slowly slipped his tongue in louis' mouth.

louis just stopped.

"lou.. what happened?"

"nothing. i'm just hungry." louis said so harry burst out laughing.

"i love you louuu." harry said and sat next to louis, holding his plate of food. "mhm not bad. the food is quite good. is my princess pleased?"

"the food you cook is better." louis frowned.

"awww babyyyy."

"i thought of." louis says and puts a spoon full in his mouth. "of talking. to the lads. today."

"sure lou. why not?"

"hazza.. i wanna text them. we'll facetime later cause i look like shit."

"babe you always look good, no matter what."

"awww fanks baby. i'm still texting them." louis says and harry giggles.

louis and harry finished breakfast and cuddled in bed. each holding his phone texting on the group chat with the boys.

LADS group chat on instagram:

louist91: hey lads!

niallhoran: hey tommo how are ya?

louist91: i'm okay, niel. just wait a second.

louist91 changed group name "LADS" to "THE lads"

liampayne: what did you just do?

louist91: THE lads is better than just lads. lads is lame and boring.

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