First Day ♔ Part Two

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      Kurapika's face felt weird. He didn't really know what to do. With the eager girl sitting in front of him, with the used products, with his director sitting right there, with the dread to know what his face looked like, he had no clue.

      "All done! Here, look!"  Hyori handed him a large handheld mirror, and he reluctantly took it. Being completely honest, he was kind of scared to look, but he bravely gulped and held it up to his face. 

      It was actually kind of. . . Nuetral. It wasn't extremely obvious, thank God. Hyori created a very simple look with nude colors, which Kurapika was grateful for. She used more products than was required, though. There was some color on his lids and cheeks, but it softly blended to look natural.

      "Thank you, Hyori."  Kurapika returned the huge smile with a smaller one, and  that made her grin even more.

      "No problem! And what's more, you were able to correctly identify each product, so you do have the really basic stuff down, at least."  Kurapika nodded. "Now your turn! I need to see your application skills. Hand me the mirror?"

      Kurapika handed her the mirror and she grabbed a container of wipes. He recognized it as make-up remover, and she quickly wiped the product off her face. Kurapika expected her to look much different without it on, but she was actually really pretty without it. She stood up and walked to Kurapika's side.

      "Let's switch seats, pretty boy. All the stuff is on my side."  For a single moment, Kurapika was glad there was color on his cheeks to disguise his blush. He got up and moved to her side and scanned all of the products. What was supposed to go first? If he wasn't going to get technical, the obvious answer was foundation. Once Hyori gave him the signal, he started, applying things in what he assumed to be the right order.

      That single moment turned into eternal thanks as Kurapika got closer and closer to Hyori's face, gently brushing an pampering it. He was kind of intimidated. She was really cute.

      "Easy mini pop quiz time" she made sure to speak when Kurapika wasn't working. "What's the difference between a matte and satin lipstick?"

      Kurapika thought on it for a minute before answering. "Matte is smoother, and satin makes your lips look shiny and glossy."  Hyori clapped her hands and smiled again.

      "Good job! Most people with no experience at all don't get any questions right when they're asked. If you know a little more than usual then that'll be easier for both of us."  She closed her eyes as Kurapika started to start with eyeshadow.


      "And once you get accustomed to applying and recognizing as well as some basic trivia, we'll move onto matching products based on their ingredients."  Kurapika really didn't understand what she was exactly saying, but he'll get it down soon enough.

      "For example, could you tell me what ingredients in products are recommended when using matte lipsticks? Or what concentrated ingredient in cream lipsticks can make lips dry?"  Kurapika had no idea what those words meant. They were completely foreign.

      "I don't know either of those." he admitted. Hyori smiled in reassurance.

      "That's okay! I didn't expect you to. I'll teach you soon enough."  It was like she didn't stop smiling.

      Kurapika tried his best to create a fitting look that matched her eyes, and it was . . . Okay. After about forty minutes, he finished and handed Hyori the mirror. She looked at herself, and pursed her lips.

      "You did. . . Okay. Switch me seats again?"  Kurapika hid his grimace and switched seats with the girl, accepting the fact that it was actually pretty bad. It wasn't the absolute worst, but it was still painful to look at. He felt sorry for Hyori.

      Hyori looked like she didn't mind and went to work on her face. A few touch ups here and there, polishing up some rough edges, and voila! She looked presentable again. Kurapika sat agape and looked at her newly reformed self.

      "If you can learn to touch up some things, then you can make a nice look. Like this!"  She held up a peace sign and smiled again. Kurapika thought, if she can turn the mess I made into something pretty, than she's good. 

      "That's- That's really good, Hyori." 

      "Thank you! It's all from practice. I can tell you have a steady hand, so teaching you will be simple. You'll get it in no-time."  Hyori stood up and offered him a hand.

      "Hyori, take him to the training room and continue with the application on the dummies."  Amane interrupted. Kurapika actually forgot she was there.

      "Already on it! C'mon."  Kurapika took her hand and got up, nervously retracting his after standing. Again, it went unnoticed as Hyori showed him to the training room.

hi hi! noice chapter, and I swear I literally know so much about Sephora and make-up now like it's not even funny. 

Word Count: 843

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