Coming ♔ Home

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Exhausted and worn down with a face full of make-up, a certain blonde struggled with the keys to his apartment to be let inside. A minute later, he finally unlocked it, placed his bag on the floor and threw himself onto the couch, throughly beat. Hyori's training took a toll on him, and he was really regretting applying at Sephora in the first place.

Rubbing his eyes, he thought about his first day at work. His co-workers and managers seemed nice, the only unpleasant employee was his co-worker Stephanie, who instantly decided she din't fancy him. Yuzu seemed like a sensible person he could have a nice conversation with. Hyori had a pretty face, but she seemed too bubbly, like she couldn't take anything seriously. The others were respectful and welcoming, but they held a slight aura of intimidation. 

Wiping his fingers on his cheek, he tried to smear the make-up, wouldn't budge. Just his luck, all of it was both water and smudge-proof. He groaned and crawled off the couch, making his way to where he left his bag. Opening it, he snatched a container of make-up remover wipes and moped to the bathroom, where he thoroughly removed every last bit. This was actual torture, him being a guy, why should he be forced to wear make-up?!

"Oh," he said aloud, mocking his manager. "Sorry, store policies, nothing I can do."

Truthfully, that's not how she said it, nor was she being sarcastic. But Kurapika was ticked, an he had no other way to let off steam.

Walking to the kitchen, he started to make a quick sandwich, but was interrupted by his phone ringing. Based on the ringtone, he could tell it was no-one other than the hot-head himself, Leorio Paladinight.

"Hello." he drawled, not attempting to pretend cheerfulness. His tone went unnoticed, and the male on the other line eagerly started talking.

"Kurapika! I just found you a job at a nearby hotel! It's only minimum wage, but you instantly get health insurance! And-"

"Leorio, I already have a job." Kurapika deadpanned. 

"Really? Where?"

"S- Uhh, it's a secret." the blonde almost told his friend where he worked from pure drowsiness, and if he did, he would never be able to live it down. Both Killua and Leorio would probably come into the stair and tease him, and Gon would go around telling everybody. Alluka would most likely be thrilled, but that's the only positive reaction he would get.

"What? What do you mean it's a secret? Tell me!"

"How much is the pay for the hotel job? I might switch jobs soon."  Kurapika cleverly changed the subject. After that first day, he really was considering going back to being a shut-in if he couldn't find another job.

"I told you, minimum wage. Ten-fifty an hour." Leorio said. Kurapika winced, and thought of what he was currently making, fifty percent more than that. And considering it was either couples and their rowdy kids and middle-aged people who wanted a night for a rendezvous and minimum wage, or a shop full of girls with good pay. . . Even if it was painful to work there, the choice was obvious. Besides, he could actually commit to a relationship now that he had collected all of his brethrens' eyes.

"I'm fine. I'm making more than that, anyway." he said. 

"If you say so. Hey, do you want to get together with all of us on Saturday at noon? We haven't met up in a while."

Kurapika sighed and looked at the calendar plastered on his fridge. "I'll have to check my schedule, I'm not sure."

"Oh no, Kurapika, don't become one of those people."

"What are you talking about?"  The male on the other line sighed.

"Never mind. Congrats though. I have to go now, I'll talk to you soon."

"Thanks. I'll try to come on Saturday."

"I hope you'll be there. Bye!"

"Bye."  They both hung up, and Kurapika quickly finished making his sandwich and made his way to his bed, where he continued to contemplate his new job. His job had both perks and downsides, but he wasn't sure if they evened finished his dinner and went to bed, not feeling like doing anything else. Besides, he'd have to get up early if he had to put on all of the essential make-up Hyori stuffed into his bag before he left for work.

heyyy guys! cover hopefully coming soon,,, hope you enjoyed this chapter tho! sorry it's short

Word Count: 735

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