Black ♔Friday

39 9 5

♔ Everyone PANICS

♔ There are hundreds of people going in and out of the store and they ' re understaffed

♔ Kurapika catches anyone that tries to steal products

♔ When the girls try to flirt with him, he goes, "Move along ladies. I can take who ' s next!"

♔ In the morning when his coworkers and bosses are panicking, he tries to take charge, but ends up being swept away by the crowd

♔ The day before, Amane gave the staff a pep-talk to try and mentally prepare them for the rush

♔ Kurapika had to break up a fight between two teenage girls fighting over the last expensive brand of lipstick. the way they were going at it, he was surprised neither of them were dead

♔ Constant yelling from at least one part of the store

♔ When the store finally closes, half the staff start crying from relief

♔ Kurapika never knew how many cuss words one person could fit in one sentence before

♔ He also never knew how vicious shoppers could be, especially teenage girls and middle-aged Karens ' 

word count; 189

❛ SECRET DAY JOB STRUGGLE ❜→ ʰˣʰ ᶠᵃⁿᶠⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz