A New Life

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Hello, and welcome to my new story. This is a story in which an original character is chosen by the Fates to go into the Percy Jackson universe and change things the Fates deem necessary, but with a twist. If this is your first time seeing my work, welcome and thank you for stopping by. I suggest you read the only other story on my account, it is completed and has a sequel in the works. If it isn't your first time, thanks for coming back. I am working on the sequel for The Betrayed Guardian, but I am going to be releasing that hopefully when I finish it, but if you guys want, I'll release at roughly the halfway point and work from there. This however, is something that you can read while you wait, and is also a great way for me to test myself with somewhat original content and characters. Hope you all enjoy, and it is with great pleasure that I present to you, drumroll please....... "The Second Thief"

I walked home after a long day of school. I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Lucas, and I'm 14 years old. I'm a huge fan of books and movies. My favorite book series is probably the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, as well as the sequel, Heroes of Olympus. My favorite movie series is probably the Star Wars Saga. I personally don't hate any of the movies as I like to think that they all expand the universe in their own way, even if some people disagree with how it happens.

Where was I, oh yeah, I was walking home from school. My house is only a 10 minute walk from my school, which is actually a lot closer than it may seem, however, I do live in New York City so my mom doesn't like me walking alone. I'm generally not too liked at school, seeing as I read a lot, so I don't have many friends. Really, I don't have any. I'm the kid that sits at a lunch table with a lot of other people, but just sits on their phone reading instead of talking. It might be rude, but I personally prioritize reading over relationships that won't last past college, if that.

My parents don't exactly like that habit of mine, my mom calls me anti-social, which I mean... yeah. I do have peoples numbers in my phone, but I can only text them as I don't have any class with the people I might consider to be friends if I did, the only texting is a barrier we can't break until next year, seeing as my friend's parents don't exactly like inviting people over that they don't know, and neither do mine.

But enough about me. I walked into the bodega at the halfway point of my walk. I'm good friends with the owner, Mr. George, a 40 year old man, seeing as I come in almost every school day. "Hey Mr. George." I greet, walking to the back to grab a bag of chips.

"Hey Lucas, how's your folks?" asks Mr. George.

I walk up to the counter and put the chips on it, as well as the soda I grabbed on my way up. "They're good. Mom still worries and Dad still doesn't make as big of a deal as mom does." I say.

"That's good kid. You know, your mom is right to be worried. The streets of New York City are dangerous, even if you're only on them for a few minutes. Just be careful kid, you're one of my only reliable customers." says Mr. George.

"Glad to know you care Mr. George." I say, pulling out the money for the snacks.

"For that comment, 8 dollars." he says.

"Come on, it's only 5."

"8 dollars."

"Here's 5." I say.

"Fine." grumbles Mr. George.

"Have a nice day Mr. George." I say.

"Stay out of trouble, or you might end up like me." he says, gesturing to the small store around him.

"What do you mean, this place is amazing!" I say. I say, walking out the door. He just laughs behind me. I snack on my chips as I walk down the street, casually weaving through the crowd of people. I decide to take a shortcut through an alley to hopefully get home that little bit faster. It went pretty well, until I came across the three old ladies in the alley.

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