Qualifying for a Quest

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Time for a new chapter. This chapter, the quest begins. I don't really have anything else to say, so here is the chapter.

Theo P.O.V.

Chiron moved us to Cabin 3 the next day.

We didn't have to share with anyone except for each other. We had plenty of room for our very small amount of stuff. We got our own dinner table. Me and Percy only had to think of each other when planning activities. Either of us could call 'lights out', and we also only had each other to listen too. We had decided day 1 that we would share counselership, as Connor and Travis will later, once Luke leaves.

It sucked. While it may seem cool to not have to listen to anyone, it sucked to not have anyone willing to talk to us besides each other. Everyone was afraid of us, or more specifically, us being sons of Poseidon. I mean, I can't really blame them, we aren't supposed to exist.

Nobody said anything about the hellhound, at least to our faces. My Force enhanced hearing, which by the way, I'm constantly enhancing my senses and reflexes to hopefully get a better grasp on my powers, but my enhanced hearing heard them whispering about it as we passed by.

Nobody wanted to be near us. Most of the Hermes cabin didn't want to have sword fighting class with us, so it became just Me, Theo, and Luke. Luke was being extremely hard on us, pushing us farther than either of thought was possible. I like to think that this is Luke slightly resisting Kronos, by giving us the training that will help us survive this quest.

Annabeth taught us both Ancient Greek in the mornings, but her heart wasn't into it. Anytime we would say anything, Annabeth would scowl at us. She would walk away after every lesson, muttering about... "Quest ... Poseidon? ... Dirty rotten ... Got to make a plan ..." Yep, that's Annabeth alright.

Even Clarisse kept her distance, even though she definitely wanted to hurt Percy for breaking her spear.

Somebody, probably Luke, dropped off a newspaper, the one about me, mom, and Percy being missing. Percy just about lost it, gripping the newspaper with white knuckles, his whole body slightly shaking. I just sat on my bed, meditating. "Theo, why aren't you upset?!" he asks, glaring at the newspaper. He had been reading the newspaper out loud as he translated it, dyslexia absolutely sucks.

"Percy, whoever slipped this newspaper underneath our door obviously wants to get into our heads. If we don't let it get to us, they wasted their time." I say, eyes still closed.

"Yeah well, I'm tired. Lights out." Percy said.

I smirk and lie down in bed. As I drift off to sleep, I feel a demigod dream coming on. Yay.

I found myself on a beach. Percy is about 50 yards in front of me, watching Zeus and Poseidon fight over the bolt. I hear Kronos taunting Percy, telling him to "Come down". I watch Percy attempt to stop them by getting in between them, but the wind kept pushing back, so he was running in place. The sand split beneath him, he slipped and fell down the hole. I then close my eyes and chant, "Wake up!" over and over until I do.

I sit up in bed and glance over at my brother. He shoots up, eyes darting around the room, before calming down and slowing down his breathing. My instincts told me it was morning, but the windows were dark. A large booming sound echoed outside, thunder.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I get out of bed, throw on an orange Camp Half Blood shirt, and answer it, "Come in."

Grover trots in. "Thanks, it might actually rain this time. Anyways, Mr. D wants to see you, both of you." he says nervously.

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