Flag Frenzy

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Theo P.O.V.


I stagger backwards as a sword is awkwardly swung at my face. I lift my own sword, which is awkwardly balanced, and block the clumsy swing. A face appears behind the sword, Percy's face to be exact. ¨Good Percy, but your swipe wasn't fast enough. Anyone with any amount of training could block your swing and easily slice you open.¨ says Luke from his spot watching us.

We were at sword training, on the day of Capture the Flag. It was our first sword lesson, my reading of books doesn't count. I did some light reading over the two forms I chose, Soresu and Juyo. I can't do anything except go through the motions without the lightsaber itself, but I hope it helps, because the quest happens in what, a few days? About that, I need to get my lightsaber before that happens. I can't go on a quest without a weapon.

¨Well, I'm sorry that I've never fought with a sword before.¨ snaps Percy.

¨I mean, there was the time with Mrs. Dodds.¨ I point out.

¨That doesn't count, neither of us knew what was happening.¨ he says.

I mean... yeah.

I hold up my hands in defeat. Luke swings his sword at me and I quickly bring my sword up to block. ¨Good, you didn't let your guard down. That will keep you alive.¨ he says while nodding.

¨Thanks Luke.¨ I say. I kinda feel bad for Percy. He kind of latched on to Luke as someone to look up to. I didn't for two reasons. One, I already know what's gonna happen. Two, I didn't meet Luke until dinner, while Percy met him before Clarisse. Don't get me wrong, Luke has been nice, but I know it's just a facade.

¨Alright everyone, gather around. I'm gonna show you a technique that a lot of master swordsmen use. Any volunteers?¨ asks Luke.

Of course, nobody raised their hand. We all know how Luke is with volunteers, even if me and Percy have all been here for one lesson. ¨Noone? Alright... um... Theo. Come on up.¨ Oh. Great. I grab a water bottle on my way up and take a swig before dumping the rest on my head. The now familiar burst of energy that comes with water floods my body.

¨Alright. This is a disarming technique, used to... well, you know... disarm an opponent.¨ explains Luke. He demonstrates, and, as expected, my sword is forced out of my hand.

¨Me and Theo are going to duel until one of us disarms the other. Theo, on 3, we go. One, Two, Three.¨ Luke says, before lunging at me. I sidestep. He swings at me and I block. He continues to stay on the offensive and I kept defending, but the boost started wearing off, just like it did in the book. Luke thrusts and I see an opportunity to counter. I do so and Luke grimaces for a split second, before it vanishes from his face. He steps it up another notch and I'm back on the defensive. Luke presses me just a little too much and leaves himself open. I lock blades with him and use the disarming move.

Luke's sword clatters to the floor of the arena. Luke, along with everyone, stared at me in shock. ¨Uh... hey." I say.

¨What do you mean, 'hey'? That was incredible! How did you do that?¨ exclaims Percy.

I shrug. ¨Here, let's go again.¨ Luke says before swiping at me. I block for a few strikes and then he disarms me.

¨Beginner's luck?¨ suggests someone in the crowd of Hermes campers.

¨I don't know. I wonder what you could do with a balanced sword.¨ says Luke. I feel awkward, Percy is supposed to be the one that everyone thinks is the best swordsman in 300 years.

We end the lesson there and we all scatter. I walk up to Percy and say, ¨Percy, I don't know what came over me, I just had a burst of energy all of a sudden.¨He looks at me with a bit of disbelief in his eyes, ¨You don't believe me, I can see it in your eyes.¨

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