Escape ~ Ferid Bathory

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Regular AU ( I mean regular as in according to the story )

Third Person P.O.V.

Y/N sat there on the bed staring blankly at the wall. The girl was now covered in cuts and bruises, her once beautiful H/L H/C hair was a mess, her eyes held sorrow and sadness. 

16 weeks. 

16 weeks had she been stuck in this cell. 

She had once been a human, working in the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, but then she was captured. Turned into a vampire against her own will. She refused to drink human blood. She would not turn against her own kind. Or what used to be her own kind. 

But the urge for blood was too much, and she gave in to the desire. She would never forget that day she had murdered an innocent child. He was only a boy. Now she can't sleep without seeing the fear and terror in that boy's eyes. Those eyes that would haunt her forever. 

And now she was here. In prison for 'treason' against the crown. It just keeps going downhill from here. 

Great, just great. The humans hate me, the vampires hate me. What am I going to do now? She thought. Her thoughts were silenced by footsteps echoing against the walls of the prison. She looked from the cement wall to the door of the cell. 

There stood Ferid Bathory, the only reason why Y/N wasn't dead yet. It was quite late at night, so the girl was wondering what he was doing here at this time. The guard unlocked the cell door and left, giving the pair privacy, Ferid rushed in. 

" Y/N," the Seventh Progenitor quickly embraced the girl. " Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

" I'm fine," Y/N replied emotionlessly. Ever since she's gotten here, she seemed to lose all sense of emotion. " Nothing's changed since the last time you've visited. "

" Y/N, I know you're not fine. Please, tell me what's wrong," Ferid held her by her shoulders. She clenched her fists.

That's it, it was too much, too much to handle. Y/N exploded, she couldn't take it anymore. She ripped the noble's hands off her shoulders and stood up. 

" What's wrong?! You want to know what's wrong?!" the girl raged. " I've been locked up here for 16 weeks! The humans hate me, the vampires hate me, there's no reason for me to keep living!"

Tears were starting to pool in her eyes as she continued shouting. " I've rarely had and interactions with anyone while I was here! I can feel myself growing weaker and weaker every day! There's no point anymore!"

Ferid sighed, surprisingly unfazed by the girl's outburst. He embraced the now crying girl in a hug as he kissed her forehead. " I knew this would happen eventually," he muttered.

" Don't worry my love, I'll get you out of here," the progenitor promised. Y/N's eyes widened. 

" What are you talking about?" she asked, the tear stains visible on her cheeks.

" Lord Ferid, you're visiting time is up," the guard came back and unlocked the door. Without looking at the guard, Ferid threw something at him. In the blink of an eye, the guard was on the ground, dead. A dagger in his chest.

Y/N gasped, Ferid grabbed her wrist and quickly ushered her out the door. 

" Quickly, come on. Their back up will be here soon." he said as they ran. 

She nodded. " Thank you."


The two had been running for a while, on the rooftops of the buildings to avoid being seen. After a while, they came to a halt on the roof of a certain building.

Y/N tilted her head at Ferid as if asking why they stopped. He just beckoned her towards the metal door on the rooftop. She followed. They went down a flight of stairs and Ferid opened another door which led to a hallway. It was a fancy hallway, almost like a hotel. 

They stopped again, this time in front of a pair of large wooden doors. Ferid knocked on the door and there was silence until we heard a faint, " Come in."

The Seventh Progenitor opened the door with his signature smirk, Y/N followed in after him, not really knowing what to do. She looked at the person in the room, and right when she did, her expression turned into one of annoyance.

" You're kidding," she said.

" Sadly not Y/N-chan," Ferid responded.

" I'm offended, Y/N," Crowley gasped. Besides Ferid, Crowley was one of the only other people she would really talk to, that was before she got thrown into prison at least. She had completely forgotten about him. Surprisingly his assistants weren't here with him.

" So, I was wondering if Y/N could stay here for the time being," Ferid crossed his arms. " Considering, the whole vampire army is probably out looking for her right now."

" You really did it, eh?" the Thirteenth Progenitor asked. 

" I don't kid about these things," Ferid turned around to look at Y/N. " Especially when it comes to Y/N."

" Well, I guess if you're staying here, you might as well get comfortable," Crowley ran a hand through his hair. " Chess!"

A girl with iris coloured hair from another room popped her head through the connecting door. " Hm? " 

" Please help Y/N here to a spare room and some fresh clothes," Crowley told the girl. The girl, Chess, nodded.

" Come with me," she said. 

Y/N followed Chess into a room, she looked around in awe. 

" I'm Chess Belle," she introduced herself.

" Y/N L/N," the H/C girl returned the gesture.

" So, the washroom is in there," Chess pointed to the other door in the room. " And there should be fresh clothes in the wardrobe over there. My room is just across from yours, if you need me that's where I'll be."

 " Alright, thank you," Y/N replied politely. 

" I'll leave you to it then," Chess exited the room.


After taking a shower for the first time in weeks, and changing into a pair of decent clothes, Y/N made her way out of her room and into the room Ferid and Crowley were in. She opened the door and saw the two male vampires.

" Ah, Y/N, I am sorry my dear, but I must get going soon before Krul notices I am gone," Ferid said to her with a sad smile. 

" When will you come back?" Y/N asked.

" I'll come back whenever I can," Ferid said, kissing her forehead. He then turned around to Crowley. " Take good care of her."

The Seventh Progenitor then walked out of the room. Silence filled the air, neither Crowley nor Y/N saying anything.

" Y/N, come sit," Crowley finally broke the silence, gesturing for her to take a seat. Y/N walked over to where he was seated and sat on the couch. 

" Thanks for agreeing to take care of me," she said.

" Anything for a friend," Crowley smiled. " Even if I didn't agree, Ferid would threaten me until I did."

Y/N let out a soft laugh. " That's Ferid for you,"

" So? Are you two..." Crowley trailed off. 

" What?! No, no, no," Y/N denied it. " We're just friends,"

" Doesn't look like it to me," Crowley wiggled his eyebrows. Y/N's face turned a deep shade of pink. " And that blush on your face says otherwise too."

" Ugh shut up!" Y/N whined. " We're just friends,"

" Mhm," Crowley decided to leave the topic alone...for now at least.

Though in her head, she knew Crowley was right, and it was only a matter of time before she would fall head over heels for the Seventh Progenitor.

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