Jealous? ~ Asuramaru

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Jealousy AU

Y/N rubbed her tired eyes as she trudged towards the front gates of her school. She had only gotten around 4 hours of sleep, due to her forgetting to study for a test she had the following day.

'One more year, one more year and I can finally leave this place.' she reminded herself.

Approaching her locker, she punched in her lock combination, while reviewing the material she had stayed up all night studying in her head.

"Y/N-san!" a voice called. The moment the voice registered in her head, a smile appeared on her face.

She didn't reject his touch, but instead, leaned into it, "Morning, Ashera-san." Everyone, even their friends thought they were dating. It was always a pain to put up with their teasing, especially Ferid and Crowley's immature comments.

But Krul definitely had to be the worst, neither of the two would forget the time Krul laid out a pathway of rose petals and lit scented candles when Y/N went over to their house for a study session. When confronted she just simply giggled with a quick "You'll thank me later." before running back to her room to give them some 'privacy.' Needless to say, Y/N stayed an extra half an hour that day to help Asuramaru sweep up the rose petals and blow out the candles.

"Why do you look so tired?" Asuramaru asked as he slung an arm around the girl's shoulders.

Asuramaru Tepes, Y/N's friend for as long as she could remember. Although he would never admit it out loud, Asuramaru had a huge crush on his bestfriend. It startled him at first, up until last year, he had never thought of Y/N as anything more than his bestfriend. The thing was, Asuramaru, despite being a laid back and chill person, sometimes mischievous, but still carefree, got jealous easily.

And his jealousy was also what happened to make him realize he indeed had a crush on Y/N. It all started when Y/N began tutoring the freshmen. This hadn't been a problem when they were first years because they were the youngest age category in the school at the time. However, as soon as their second year started, the school had sign up sheets for the second and third years to tutor the first years. And of course Y/N signed up.

She was naturally a smart person, so it wasn't a huge surprise that she'd give up time at the end of her day to tutor the new students. It just so happened that the boys Y/N tutored were...not the most subtle when it came to their blatant fondness for her.

"Oh, it's nothing really," Y/N sighed as she gathered her textbooks from the locker's top shelf. "I just forgot we had a test today and stayed up studying."

Asuramaru frowned, he pat her head, "That explains the bags under your eyes. We have history after though, don't we? Feel free to take a nap then. I'll cover for you." He gave a mischievous smile before winking.

Y/N giggled and playfully slapped his chest, "Thanks, I appreciate it."

They walked to class and sat in their usual seats, right next to each other. Asuramaru pulled out his notebook and began writing a to do list for the day as he spoke, "Do you want to hang out after school today?"

"Sorry, I'm tutoring two of our freshmans today after school," Y/N gave an apologetic smile. "I'm free tomorrow after school, though. You can come over and we can binge Ghibli movies if you want?"

Although Asuramaru was a bit dejected he couldn't spend time with Y/N after school today (and the fact that she'll be with those god forsaken freshmans again), he was happy he could at least hang out with her tomorrow. Another day is nothing.

"Of course."


The school bell rung, signifying the end of the day. Asuramaru watched as Y/N left first, bidding her goodbye while he stayed a few minutes to chat with Ferid and Crowley.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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