Once Again ~ Shinya Hiragi

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Reincarnation AU

Trigger warning!! This one shot does include suicide so if that bothers you, you can skip over it, I'll set a warning at when it happens and a part where you can continue.

This one is also a bit longer, sorry.

" I love you Y/N," Shinya whispered softly to the sleeping girl, those words he didn't dare say to her when she was awake. He gently kissed the top of her head and got up to leave, but he felt a tug on his sleeve. He turned around to see Y/N awake with a smile plastered on her face.

" I love you too Shinya," she said to the silver haired boy. He pulled her into a hug.

" Can you promise me something?" Shinya asked quietly.

" Anything," Y/N assured.

" Please don't ever leave me to face the world alone, my life is meaningless without you," he told her genuinely.

" I wouldn't even dream of it,"


It was a cool evening. The sun was starting to set.

On a hill sat Shinya and Y/N, peacefully looking at the sunset. The sun shined gently on their faces, in all its glory. The beautiful pink, orange and yellow colours mix with the blue sky.

Y/N's head laid on Shinya's shoulder, while Shinya pulled Y/N into an embrace. Neither spoke a word in fear of ruining the moment of silence. It was perfect. They could forget their job filled with war, sadness and constant fear.

When they were together, they could forget about everything. There was no fear, no anger, no sorrow. Just simply them.

They decided it was time to get back.

As Y/N got up, Shinya grabbed her hand, still sitting.

" Y/N, I love you more than anything in this world. I would do anything, I'd give up anything for you. You light up my world. You are my light in my darkness. You are beautiful, strong, courageous, kind, smart and amazing. So Y/N," he got down on one knee. " Will you marry me?"

Y/N was in shock. She was so happy, she felt tears prick her eyes.

" Yes. Yes!" she placed a hand over her mouth, still in shock, until she ran into Shinya's arms.

And there the couple stood, in each other's arms, smiles on both of their faces. Nothing could ruin this moment.


The sound of swords clashed. The rain was pouring heavily, the bright shine of lighting was blinding, followed by the thunder clapping loudly. Shinya was in the middle of the battlefield, currently fighting a vampire. Everyone was dying, vampires, humans.

Things were going okay, until he heard a scream. Not just anyone's scream. It was her scream. Shinya's eyes widened. As he was distracted, the vampire took the advantage to stab him in the shoulder. Despite the pain, he quickly finished off the vampire and ran in the direction the scream came from.

There was Y/N, on the ground, injured unable to move. Before her stood Ferid Bathory, his sword raised. Shinya ran as fast as he could towards Y/N, he had to save her.

But he didn't, he couldn't. There Y/N was, on the ground, with Ferid Bathory's sword pierced through her heart. Shinya was too late. He let out a cry of agony as his lover, with her last breath, collapsed on the ground.

He was going to kill him, he was going to kill that damned vampire. But once again he couldn't, someone gripped his wrist, he turned around to find Guren, his best friend, holding him back. Shinya tried his best to break free from Guren's grip, but Guren didn't let go.

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