Purple Mist ~ Asuramaru

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Soulmate AU

Basically everyone has their own special power but when you meet your soulmate for the first time, your powers swap and as your relationship gets stronger, you can swap between the two powers faster and without much difficulty.

Third Person P.O.V.

Y/N happily skipped out of JIDA School of Arts, making her way to the park where she would meet her best friend, F/N. Surprisingly there wasn't much homework today, only a bit from History and Math, even though this was a specialized school for people with superpowers, they still had to learn the basic curriculum.

She found the bench outside of the school gates and sat down, F/N and she would usually meet up with her once classes were dismissed. Y/N pulled out her notebook and pencil from her void and started drawing.

Y/N's special power was a void, it wasn't very impressive but it was very helpful. It was like an endless pocket that you could carry everything in, which you could also bring everywhere. That's why Y/N didn't need a backpack. Though, sometimes she wished she had a cooler power like teleportation or telekinesis but rather than just a void.

It's said that when you first meet your soulmate, your powers would switch and you will learn how to switch between your powers faster as your relationship gets stronger. It seemed weird to Y/N, she didn't understand why you would need to switch powers with someone else and have to learn how to master two. She didn't really believe it would happen, she wasn't really looking into a relationship right now anyways. It would be nice, but it wasn't her top priority.

After a while, Y/N felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked over to her left but no one was there. She shrugged it off and continued to draw, seconds later, she felt a tap on her right shoulder, she looked over to her right, yet again no one was there.

She sighed but smiled, " F/N, I know that's you,"

Then, in front of her, F/N appeared with a pouty look.

" Y/N, you're no fun," F/N whined.

F/N was Y/N's best friend, who she had known since childhood. Unlike Y/N, her friend's special ability was invisibility. Usually, your superpowers would come from your family history, Y/N's family was full of void holders whereas F/N's was full of invisibles.

" Yeah, yeah. Let's go," Y/N opened up her void and threw her notebook and pencil in. " You took longer than usual today, why's that?"

It was F/N's turn to sigh, " Ran into those troublemakers, Yuu Hyakuya and Shiho Kimizuki,"

" Oh, aren't they the 'popular' kids?" Y/N asked, as the two second years started walking.

" Yeah, I feel bad for Yoichi, he's so nice," F/N noted. Y/N skidded to a stop which caused F/N to turn around and look at her. " What's wrong?"

" I forgot my textbook in my locker," Y/N scratched her head, causing her friend to groan.

" But we're halfway back already," F/N complained.

" Yeah, it's okay, you go on without me," Y/N started running back the way that they came.

After a bit, Y/N had made it back to the school, she quickly sped walk as quietly as she could so she wouldn't disrupt the after school activities. Y/N breathed a sigh of relief as she opened up her locker, grabbing her textbook.

She made her way out to the front of the school, quietly scolding herself for being so forgetful. Not paying attention to where she was going, she had walked right into a post. Yes, an actual lamp post. She fell onto the ground after crashing into the lamp post. Y/N kept her head down in embarrassment, hoping no one saw.

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