Episode 4 - "Gone Away"

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"How are you going to interrogate them?" Violet asked as Clem walked down there and Louis walked up.

"I just want to.. Talk. Stay here, Violet." Clem said bluntly. Violet sighed, but did as told.


"S-so.." Mike started.

"Where's AJ?" Bonnie asked.

"In the ground. Thanks to you guys, he died." Clem said bluntly.

"Oh my god.. Clem.. We-we didn't.. Mean to." Bonnie stuttered as she looked like she was about to cry.

"Yeah, well. Hadn't you taken our FORMULA that night, he'd still be alive." Clem said, recounting the night.

"Clem-" Mike started.

"What did you even need formula for? For this baby?" Clem motioned her head towards Arvo, an angry expression on her face. All three stayed silent.

"Thanks. Means a lot," Clem mumbled. "We have something to fucking talk about." Clem finished.


"Tenn?" AJ asked.

"Yeah?" Tenn responded.

"I like your drawing." AJ said as he pointed to the drawing Tenn had made.

"Thanks. Yours too." Tenn said with a smile.

"AJ, Tenn!" Jamie said, running up to the two.

"What?" AJ asked, holding a crayon.

"Look!" Jamie said, sitting her disco broccoli figure on the picnic table, and moving it around as if it were dancing.

"Wow, cool!" Tenn said.

"Yeah!" AJ agreed.

"By the way, do you want to play tag with me, OJ, and Abby?" Jamie asked while still holding the disco broccoli.

"Uh, yeah. Sure. Just let me finish my drawing. Okay?" AJ asked, looking back down at the drawing.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell them!" Jamie said before running off.


"Maybe." Louis laughed. Omar, Violet and Aasim all laughed too.

"Knowing this guy, then probably." Violet said, pointing an accusing finger at Louis, laughing even more. Suddenly, the sound of a gun shot covered their laughter.

"Fuck!" Violet yelled, running down to check on Clementine.

"Clem?!" Violet yelled as she got down there. Clem was holding a shot gun with smoke coming out of it.

"She shot him!" Mike yelled. Arvo had been shot in the shoulder.

"Clem?" Violet asked, going up to Clementine.

"He- he was just sittin there!" Bonnie yelled in a stutter.

"Did he come at you?" Violet asked Clem who had been quiet.

"He didn't!" Bonnie yelled again.

"Shut it!" Violet said, raising her gun at Bonnie.

"Clementine? Did he come at you?" Violet asked again. However, Clem still stayed silent.

"You not nice people!" Arvo yelled. Clem slightly turned her head to look at Arvo. She walked up to him and knelt down.

"Did it feel good that night?" Clem started to ask. "The night you shot me?" Clem asked again. Arvo squinted his eyes but stayed silent.

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