Episode 7 - "Take Me Back"

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"My head hurts." Clem said as she slowly moved around. It had been a couple days and Clem wanted to go outside the school for a bit.

"I know, babe. It will," Violet said, holding Clem's hand. "Will you please take these pain killers?" Violet asked, handing Clem some. Clem shook her head.

"Please." AJ said as he walked up. Clem thought for a moment, then she sighed.

"Anything for you, goofball." Clem said as she took the pills from Violet.

"You know I don't like being called goofball, but I'll let it slide since you're sick." AJ asked. Clem knelt down.

"What are the rules?" AJ asked Clem.

"Don't get bit, and always save the last bullet for yourself." Clem said with AJ.

"Love you." AJ said while giving Clem a hug.

"Love you too, kiddo." Clem said as she hugged AJ. Clem stood back up and smiled.

"We'll be back in no time." Clem said while smiling.


"God. Please.. Help.. Me.." A voice could be heard as Violet and Clem walked along the path holding hands and talking.

"I think someone needs help." Violet mumbled to Clementine.

"Lets see." Clem said as she and Violet make their way a little off trail.

"Hello?" Violet asked.

"Help.. Fuck.. Help, please." The voice said, finally, Violet and Clem found the girl sitting against a tree.

"Minnie?!" Both Clem and Violet asked. She had an arrow in her shoulder, bleeding from it.

"Clem.. Fuck! I-Please help." Minnie pleaded as she held her shoulder. Her foot was also stuck in a bear trap. Clem glanced down at her stomach then back up at Minnie.

"I.. I'm sorry. For that." Minnie said through gritted teeth. She looked like she really didn't want to say that.

"Wait?! YOU were the one who did that to Clementine?! You fucking bitch!" Violet said as she tried to hurt Minnie.

"Violet, don't!" Clem said, trying to hold Violet back.

"We're going to fucking leave you to die here, you good for nothing son of a bitch!" Violet yelled, still trying to get her.

"Fuck!" Clem yelled, grabbing her stomach as blood started to flow out.

"Clem!" Violet yelled, turning back to Clementine. Clem slowly lifted her shirt to see. Her shirt was sticking to the blood, making it painful to pull off of the gash.

"Your stitches tore!" Violet said, holding up Clem as she slowly started to pass out.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK." Violet yelled as Clem closed her eyes.

"Get. Minnie." Clem mumbled before everything went black.


"Hey there sweet pea," Lee said calmly. "Here we are, back on the train." He laughed.

"Yeah. It makes me happy to be here." Clem said innocently.

"I bet so. Mind telling me what happened out there, sweet pea?" Lee asked as he sat next to Clem.

"Well.. Minnie was there. She was hurt. I wanted to help her, but Violet wanted to hurt her. I tried to hold Violet back, but my stitches tore. It bled a lot and.. I just passed out," Clem told Lee. "Why did Violet want to hurt her?" Clem asked.

"She cares about you. She didn't want someone who hurt you alive. Minnie would still have been able to hurt you, and Violet didn't want that." Lee explained. Clem sighed.

"It hurt a lot." Clem mumbled, holding her stomach.

"I bet so, sweet pea." Lee said, watching the passing trees. They both stayed silent.

"Lee?" Clem asked.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Where do you think my mom and dad are?" Clem asked.

"Well, sweet pea. I think they're in a happy place. Where everyone is happy and healthy. They get to be with everyone they care about." Lee told Clem, explaining as best as he could.

"Except me." Clem said sadly. Lee looked at her. More time passed before the two spoke again.

"Do you like living at Texas Two?" Clem asked softly.

"I love it. There's amazing people, and we're safe, but do you want to know why I'm most happy there?" Lee asked. Clem nodded.

"It's where you are." Lee said, kissing Clem's forehead.

"Thanks Lee." Clem giggled.

"No problem, sweet pea. Close your eyes and take in the fresh air." Lee said, closing his eyes as well. Clem closed her eyes and took a deep breath.


Clem opened her eyes sharply.

"Fuck.. Damn it." Clem mumbled, holding her stomach. She looked around, she was lying in bed. Nobody was in the room with her, but her stomach was all stitched up now.

Soon, Violet walked in.

"Did you.. Agh.. Did you save Minnie?" Clem asked, grabbing her stomach in pain.

"She's lucky I did." Violet mumbled, arms crossed.

"Thanks. Did you.. Did you need something?" Clem asked, still holding her stomach.

"No. I just wanted to make sure you didn't stop breathing on me," Violet said, walking up next to Clem. "Why did you want to save Minnie?" Violet asked, holding Clem's hand and rubbing the back of it with her thumb. Clem looked up sadly.

"I want Tenn to be able to have a sister. It wouldn't be fair to him if he didn't have a sister." Clem mumbled, looking up at Violet.

"It isn't fair that she did... That to you, though. She almost fucking killed you, Clementine!" Violet said, still rubbing Clem's hand.

"I know.. I know. Just.. Keep her here.. Okay?" Clem asked, holding both of Violets hands. Violet sighed.

"Anything for you." Violet mumbled.

"Thanks Vi." Clem said, giving Violet a hug.


"Hey, how is she?" Lee asked as he walked in.

"She's doing good. Just napping." Violet said as Lee walked up next to her.

"She better be okay. Don't know what I'd do. So, did I ever tell you about the time our group was going to take a boat, but then this cancer survival group took-" Before Lee could finish, Kenny came running in.

"DID SOMEONE SAY, BOAT?! WHERE WE HEADIN?!" Kenny yelled like a psychopath.

"Kenny!- no." Lee said, confused.


"God damn it." Lee complained.

"What the fuck just happened?" Violet asked.

"The boat obsessor is at it again." Lee laughed.

"What's his deal with boats, anyway?" Violet asked in a laugh.

"It's a long, long, story, but it all started back when I met Kenny."

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